Live Monsters
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Best Guitar Albums
(11 items)list by TrekMedic
Published 12 years, 12 months ago
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Few modern rockers have managed to capture the ephemeral combination of sloppy and serious that earmarked the Band in its prime. That vibe--sounding four-beers casual during a soberly determined performance--accounts for the success of bluesy Big Head Todd & The Monsters; this Boulder, Colorado, group's jammy mix is simultaneously dirty and clean, offhanded and acute, backwoods and scholarly. It's nothing new, as these so-so concert-tracked numbers attest. But there's something there in the performance, a faint glimmer of bygone Band brilliance, that breathes life into pedestrian BHT standards such as "Tangerine,"
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Manufacturer: Giant Records / Wea
Release date: 10 November 1998
EAN: 0075992471428 UPC: 075992471428
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Release date: 10 November 1998
EAN: 0075992471428 UPC: 075992471428