Let's Bottle Bohemia
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Favourite Albums of 2004
(52 items)list by El Paulo
Published 18 years, 5 months ago
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With their second album coming in at just over 35 minutes, no one could ever accuse the Thrills of going prog--Let's Bottle Bohemia sticks to the retro formula of the three-and-a-half-minute pop song, making it hugely accessible and instantly likeable. The opener "Tell Me Something I Don't Know" is a bit of a tease as the first chord crashes in like George Harrison's on "A Hard Days Night", then develops a Bowie-esque, glam swagger before hopping back to upbeat guitar pop for the rest of the album. Still sounding roughly as they did on So Much for the City, their style has developed more of its own identity,
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Manufacturer: Virgin
Release date: 13 September 2004
EAN: 0724386450920 UPC: 724386695321
Release date: 13 September 2004
EAN: 0724386450920 UPC: 724386695321
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