Art Brut Vs Satan
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Favorite 50 Songs of 2009
(29 items)list by NMartucci
Published 15 years, 2 months ago
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2009 release, the third album from the London-based Art-Punk band, produced by Black Francis (AKA Frank Black). ''We recorded the album in a Punk-as-f@*k two weeks in Salem, Oregon,'' explains lead singer Eddie Argos. ''I don't always enjoy the recording process - all that fiddling with guitars and drum sounds waiting for my turn to `sing'. This time though, we did it just right. We spent a day getting the sound of the instruments perfect, then with all of us in the same room at the same time, with the amazing Black Francis conducting us, we pressed record, jumped around and played our songs. This is how I always thought albums
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Manufacturer: Downtown
Release date: 21 April 2009
EAN: 0878037008227 UPC: 878037008227
Release date: 21 April 2009
EAN: 0878037008227 UPC: 878037008227
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