100% Charlie Brown Jr - Abalando A Sua Fábrica
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This was the first album of the band with the formation of a quartet, since the guitarist Thiago Castanho, who left the band alleging problems of agenda soon after the release of the previous album (Nadando with the Sharks), was not replaced by no musician. It is also the band's first album not to feature guest appearances.
In addition, it was the first time that the recording of a disc of the band was made with all the instruments at the same time, as if they were playing live - unlike the conventional process, that registers each instrument separately. This resulted in a more crude, more "garage" sound.
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Manufacturer: EMI Brazil
Release date: 30 April 2001
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Release date: 30 April 2001
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donatoss rated this 9/10 4 years, 3 months ago