I’m not a huge fan of Adam Sandler so I had some rather low expectations concerning this movie but since it was available on Netflix, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, it is always a rare (but nice) surprise when a movie starring Sandler actually turns out to be watchable and it was definitely the case here. Sure, some might complain about the nepotism involved since Sandler got his own daughter to play the lead (and also his wife and his other daughter in some supporting roles) but, fortunately, it wasn’t a debacle like it turned out to be for Will Smith with ‘After Earth’. Still, the acting performances from all these kids, not only the Sandlers, were not bad but, to be honest, it wasn’t really much more than that and none of them really impressed me after all. At least, it was a nice touch that Sadie Sandler was about the same age her character seemed to be and not 10 years older which is so often the case in this genre. Concerning the concept of setting a classic teen drama-comedy in a Jewish community which was obviously the whole point of this movie, it was intriguing and fairly well done but, to be honest, it was never really fascinating though. I guess, it was just too predictable and the fact that all the characters were all pretty basic and stereotypical probably didn’t help either. Still, it was refreshing to see a Sandler movie during which people were acting like some actual average people and not some hyper hysterical morons. Anyway, to conclude, even if it was nothing really groundbreaking, I have tot admit that it was a decent watch and I think it is worth a look, especially if you are interested in watching something actually worthwhile with Sandler for once.
An average movie