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Not a wonder, not a blunder

Posted : 3 years ago on 2 March 2022 05:20

As someone who does enjoy superhero films when done right, there are some good ones out there as well as some disappointing ones. Enjoyed the character of Wonder Woman as a kid, and always felt compared to other superhero characters that she deserved her own film.

Which she gets in this 2017 effort directed by Patty Jenkins. Is 'Wonder Woman' as good as the hype and a wonder of a film? Not to me, there are a few things that stop it from being even better. Does it deserve the negativity in a lot of the comments here? While it is easy to see why people would be disappointed, as it could have been better, my answer would be no and that some of the hate is over the top.

There are problems here in 'Wonder Woman'. Part of it is to do with pacing, the film starts a little dull in places and later on as more happens in the story it felt rushed and at times it affects the storytelling which has its muddled moments.

The ending is clichéd and anti-climactic and some of the characters feel underdeveloped, especially the underused and underwritten villain.

However, 'Wonder Woman' is mostly an exceptionally made film, apart from instances of frenetic editing, with a lot of atmosphere in the production design and lighting, audacious photography and special effects that are super slick. The music has a haunting sense of mood and rousing energy, and Jenkins directs with an understanding of the titular character and accommodating the performing of Gal Gadot.

Script has some witty humour, heartfelt sentiment and also takes itself seriously without making the mistake of previous BC Extended Universe (of which 'Wonder Woman' is by far the best, actually being a good film) of being too grim and dark. The action is stirring and often spectacular in spectacle.

'Wonder Woman's' story has its faults but most of it is heartfelt and thrilling. It does the character of Wonder Woman justice with a genuinely interesting back-story that makes her a compellingly real and easy-to-relate-to character who you admire for all her strengths and flaws.

Gadot is superbly cast as Wonder Woman, creating a character that really stands out among the rest of the superhero line in terms of gender and her ideals. Chris Pine is amusing, commanding and likable with great chemistry with Gadot, while Danny Houston clearly enjoys himself as the villain. The rest of the cast do very solidly.

Overall, not a wonder but a long way from a blunder. 7/10 Bethany Cox

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Wonder Woman review

Posted : 3 years, 6 months ago on 29 August 2021 04:15

I like this movie mainly because of Gal Gadot. She's an awesome Wonder Woman and comes off as very heroic and sexy. This origin story covers all the bases and has good action scenes. It's a really sincere story about one of the most likable heroes to come out of comic books. Some of it is predictable but not in a bad way. Let's face it, if you want to see Wonder Woman you have to give the audience a few things. There has to be a super villain who is connected to her mythical origins so Diana has to face Ares, the god of war. Gadot plays Diana as naive, but confident. She leaps into action very quickly and she has chemistry with Chris Pine, her love interest. Overall, this movie is an excellent introduction to the classic hero that does not disappoint.

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The best of the DCEU is a bad film. Go figure.

Posted : 5 years, 10 months ago on 28 April 2019 11:29

English is not my native language so I apologize for the errors that are bound to exist.

Wonder Woman is still the best movie of the DC universe. Which is not saying much because they all suck.

This was originally written in November 26 of 2017. I just make some changes.

It doesn’t look horrible but it looks like PS2 graphics. Is just not that well made.

Careful with the green screen!

Slow motion scenes are overused and it don’t make sense that they used them when they did. It just looks silly.

The choreography is usually okay.

In general, it looks mediocre. Nothing impressive, nothing horrible, just… okay.

The plot is overly simplistic, just go kill the bad guy. Doesn’t construct anything, doesn’t try to go beyond, it stays in the comfort zone, and that’s lazy. Is just lazy. 

And commits one of the worst crimes, it has caricatures for villains. They are evil just because. 
The general is just a cunt and he dies like a bitch. He’s not scary, it doesn’t command respect, is not interesting at all.

What's the deal with the gas that makes him stronger? Why nobody else uses it? 
I mean, that way it would be easy to win the war if he gives it to its soldiers. At least a little bit. 
I guess it doesn't matter, doesn't work for him anyway. Diana kills him very easily. Boring.

At the end of the movie, Ares - who also sucks – dies and the Germans hug, they are no longer under the influence of Ares, they are good again. Because that is how shit goes down in wars.

The movie pisses in his own message, in the face, just like Germans like to do.

But is not a war movie right? It just has one… Lazy.

The secondary characters are stereotypical, they help I guess, but they don’t really matter. If they die, who cares?

Diana is nice, and strong and… nice. She is very naïve because of her upbringing and doesn’t learn shit about humanity nor develops as a person, she stays pretty much the same. She has some chemistry with her love interest whose name I don’t recall, is nice seeing them together. That´s why the relationship is not force like a rape, but isn’t exactly good either. They are the best thing of the film and they are not good. The thing is, every other character is shit.

It has some funny moments and the fish out of water thing was okay. 

The amazons are hot, they dress cool and they are a bunch of sexist, which I like in women.

This review is lazy, just like the movie.

This film s superficial. Is dumb. Is ridiculous and insulting.


I believed in love!

Fuck you!


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Wonder Woman review

Posted : 6 years, 5 months ago on 22 September 2018 09:00

A charismatic central performance by Gal Gadot, and a story and script that are true to the character, ensure that Wonder Woman is a cut above most other comic book adaptations.

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A good movie

Posted : 7 years, 4 months ago on 29 October 2017 06:32

In a couple of weeks, I'm supposed to go to see 'Justice League' and I was really eager to watch before this first installment involving the most famous female super-hero. I was actually planning to see the damned thing in the movie theater when it was released but, for some reason, Nick, my stepson, decided that we should watch instead 'The Mummy'... Anyway, even though everybody seemed to have lost faith in the DCCEU, at last, they finally delivered something really good. In fact, even though 'Marvel' is completely ruling the market, somehow, they took way too long to deliver a movie with a woman playing the lead character. Anyway, coming back to our main feature, well, even though Gal Gadot was trashed by the fans when she was chosen, eventually, she was really impressive. Indeed, of course, she was quite gorgeous but she was really convincing during the fighting scenes and, above all, she managed to deliver such a charismatic and still relatable woman. The issue with this character, in fact, with almost all the female character coming from a comic-book, is that she could have been reduced to some bimbo which was definitely not the case here. Eventually, I really think it was the right thing to hire a woman to direct this movie and Patty Jenkins did a fine job here showing how women can be just as strong and tough as men and yet still retain their feminity. Chris Pine should also get some credit as, even though his character was rather thankless, he made the most of it and he had some great chemistry with Gal Gadot. So, most of the movie did work fine but, to be honest, I still didn't care much for the story though. Sure, it was entertaining enough but, above all, the message was pretty murky. I mean, it seems that Wonder Woman wants to stop this war in particular and all the wars in general but she is also one of the greatest warriors ever and she kills so many people during her mission without even blinking an eye. As a result, as long as the movie was focusing on her struggle to fit in our world, it was pretty much pitch-perfect, but as soon as she started to fight, even though it looked really badass, it became another bombastic super-hero flick like so many others I have seen before. Anyway, to conclude, even though I think it is rather overrated, it was still a really solid blockbuster and it is definitely worth a look. 

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Wonder Woman review

Posted : 7 years, 6 months ago on 11 September 2017 04:51

Poduction values, yes, so what? Bidimensional heroes and heroines, a schematic theory stuttered at the beginning and trying to match with americans and amazons in WW 1, an even more schemaic love story beginning with cracks between heroes, bah.

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Wonder Woman review

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 6 July 2017 02:09

Gracias Corea, por poner esta pelicula que sigue en cartelera en buena definición en la Internet, ya que solo hablo de peliculas que ya pasaron de cartelera y no hablo de ellas a tiempo. Gracias Maduro, por hacer que ir al cine de Venezuela sea algo muy caro de comprar hoy en día.

(Esto no tiene spoilers).

La mujer maravilla es por fin, el acierto de Dc comics que se puede disfrutar y tener una buena base de explicar su universo, pero aun así, tiene el error de ese un poco lenta para el publico que quiere llegar y dejan unos cuantos huecos argumentales y el villano es inesperadamente poco desarrollado, y eso a pesar que aquí hay 3 villanos.

Lo mejor que tiene la pelicula es el personaje principal y como se desenvuelve en el mundo de los humanos, a pesar que hay veces que sus acciones son muy forzadas, y adore bastante la cámara lenta que utilizaron aqui, dando muchos puntos en la pelea final.

Hay algunos que dicen que esta pelicula de Dc tiene muchos colores, a diferencia de las demás entregas de Dc, pues...no, sigue teniendo esa cámara opaca y oscura, y solo hay pocas escenas donde el color anaranjado y amarillento que caracteriza la obra se hace presente, pero son escenas importantes al menos.

Gracias que la gente no spoileo mucho esta película en la internet y haga que tenga un poquito de esperanza con La Liga de Justicia que se va a estrenar este año, pero uno nunca sabe, parece que esta tendré que verla ahorrando dinero en cine.

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Wonder Woman review

Posted : 7 years, 8 months ago on 20 June 2017 01:49

What is most striking is undoubtedly her visual delight, beautifully choreographed beautiful action scenes, and eye-popping visual effects that so overwhelmingly almost obfuscated the beauty of the handsome heroine. Wonder Woman is for sure the best DC movie of the last years ...

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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

Posted : 7 years, 9 months ago on 16 June 2017 04:57

[English Version]

Notes: Before I begin, I must clarify that this review would have some spoilers in order to make a point. So, if you haven't seen the film yet and you are afraid of spoilers, please do not continue reading.

So, I watched the new DCEU Film "Wonder Woman" and for my surprise it turn out to be the best DCEU film..............although it is not as if that was a great achievement in the first place.

Ok, it will admit the movie is FAR from been bad, since it has some things that it did right:

+ The protagonist, although not been the great thing, is for the most a likeable character. Things like her idealisms, her carisma, her rude attitude of amazon warrior, are nicely done. With a very godd acting by the Gal Galdot
+Most of the special effects, cinematography, action scenes and music are very good, making some scenes very well done (example: The training montaje or the arrival of the germans in Paradise Island)
+ The supporting characters are competent and the whole cast of actors does a good job, especially Chris Pine. Plus, the interactions with the main protagonist are nicelly done.
+The Humor, is generally well implemented unlike things like suicide squad.
+Unlike Batman v Superman, it's more focus on his story and characters without making unnecessarily complicate with subplots.

But, for the negative side:
-The plot is simplistic and very linear, there are not so many surprises and it is something that could get to feel monotonous at times. Yeah, I know that previously I said that it was a positive thing, but, the thing is that the plot is unimaginative with his setting, making this a generic origin story in a WW1 setting.
-The main villains, both Erich Ludendorff and Ares, are mediocre. They understand more do not go deep into them, they are one-dimensional characters whose motivation is "CONQUER THE WORLD".
-Speaking of Ares, the big twist of his real identity has NO BUILD-UP OR ANTICIPATCION AND LITERRALLY COMES OUT OF NOWHERE. And the way that its defeated it's basically a very poor power-up that comes out nowhere in the last 20 minutes.
-Most of the concept of the setting of Greek Mythology is not very used, only in the superficial level having the main villain as a Greek God (which like a I Said before is One-Dimensonal). And do no tell me that it's imposible for a superheroe movie to do this, for example, Doctor Strange and the 2 Thor movies used very well their settings in order to enrich their story and characters (the first been a magical realm setting with a lots of themes about faith as well as the presentation and interaction with several sorcerers during the fil,, and the second one using the Norse Mytology with the presence of Gods, many of the realms and a variety of monsters that serve a propose to the story).
 Above all, I give it a 6 out of 10. Entertaining and all that, but it does not bring anything new to the table, also it is incomprehensible the amount of praise that has received by the critic because of that. If you want something more likable, there is the 2009 animated movie that is more creative with the setting, concept and villans than this, despite don't been perfect.

Final score: 6/10

[Spanish Version]

Notas: Antes de comenzar, debo aclarar que esta revisión tendría algunos spoilers con el fin de hacer un punto. Por lo tanto, si aún no has visto la película y tienes miedo de spoilers, por favor no sigas leyendo.

Así que vi la nueva película del DCEU "Wonder Woman/Mujer Maravilla" y por mi sorpresa resultó ser la mejor película de DCEU .............. aunque no es como si eso fuera un gran logro en primer lugar.

Ok, admito que esta película esta LEJOS de ser mala, ya que tiene algunas cosas que hizo bien:

+ La protagonista, sin ser  la gran cosa, es un personaje agradable. Cosas como sus idealismos, su carisma, su actitud ruda de guerrero amazona, están muy bien hecho. Con una muy buena actuación de parte de Gal Galdot.
+ La mayoría de los efectos especiales, cinematografía, escenas de acción y música son muy buenos. Dando asi escenas muy bien hechas (véase el montaje de entrenamiento o el arribo de los alemanes en Isla Paraíso).
+ Los personajes de apoyo son competentes y todo el elenco de actores hace un buen trabajo, especialmente Chris Pine. Además, las interacciones con el protagonista principal están bien hechas.
+ El humor, es generalmente bien implementado a diferencia de cosas como Suicide Squad/Escuadrón Suicida.
+ Es más centrarse en su historia y personajes sin hacer innecesariamente complicado a diferencia de  Batman v Superman.

Pero, por el lado negativo:
-La trama es simplista y muy lineal, no hay tantas sorpresas y es algo que podría llegar a sentirse monótono a veces.
-Los principales villanos, tanto Erich Ludendorff como Ares, son mediocres. Ellos entienden más no se profundizan en ellos, son personajes unidimensionales cuya motivación es "CONQUISTAR EL MUNDO".
-Hablando de Ares, el gran giro de su identidad NO TIENE CONSTRUCCIÓN ALGUNA O ANTICIPACIÓN Y LITERALMENTE SALE DE NINGUNA PARTE. Y la forma en que su derrotado es básicamente un muy pobre power-up que sale en ninguna parte en los últimos 20 minutos.
-La mayor parte del concepto de ambientación la mitología griega no son muy bien utilizados, sólo en el nivel superficial teniendo el principal villano como un dios griego (que como ya  Dije antes es unidimensional). Y no me digas que es imposible para una película de superhéroes hacer esto, por ejemplo, Doctor Strange y las películas de 2 Thor usaron muy bien su ambientación para enriquecer su historia y personajes (El primero fue un escenario mágico con un montón de temas sobre la fe así como la presentación e interacción con varios hechiceros durante el filme, y el segundo utilizando la mitología nórdica con la presencia de dioses, una gran variedad  de  reinos mostrados en pantalla y una variedad de monstruos que tienen un propósito claro en la historia).

Sobre todo, le doy un 6 de 10. Entretenida y todo eso, pero no trae nada nuevo a la mesa, y en parte es incomprensible la cantidad de elogios que ha recibido por la critica solo por eso. Si quieren, pueden chequear la película animada del 2009 que es mas creativa con su concepto, villano, y ambientación que esta peli, pese a no ser perfecta del todo.

Nota final: 6/10

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"Wonder Woman" (2017)

Posted : 7 years, 9 months ago on 4 June 2017 03:18


When pilot Steve Trevor crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, Diana, princess of the Amazons, leaves home to fight a war to end all wars, discovering her full powers and true destiny.

After three solid disappointments in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, I was willing to give Warner Bros. one more chance with this movie, but this was officially their last one. And… sadly, it didn't quite rise to the challenge, but it made a valiant effort.

The first half sucked, thanks to disjointed editing (mainly during the opening exposition) and some truly painful awkward dialogue. I also got really sick of the constant use of slow motion, and the film makes Diana look naïve for believing bedtime stories.

However, the movie finally perks up when Diana marches across a no man's land. That scene was simply glorious, because it's the first time in these movies that we've seen the characters acting like heroes! :) It's terrific! …But then the movie falters again in the third act, after an extremely predictable twist.

To sum it up, I have very mixed feelings on this movie, which is more than I can say for any of the three DCEU movies before it. But it just doesn't hold a candle to the 2009 animated Wonder Woman, and it still killed any interest I had in seeing the upcoming DCEU entries: Justice League or any of the rest. That's it, I am done.

My rating: 55%

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