Asteroid City (2023) (2023)
list by johanlefourbe

list by johanlefourbe

list by A.M.A
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A good movie

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" First Viewing Viewing Date: March 3rd Via: Netflix Plot: World-changing events spectacularly disrupt the annual Asteroid Day celebration in an American desert town. Rating: 6.0/10 Why Did I Watch It? Still working my way through Wes Anderson's body of work."

"23.9. Listal on kuin väkivaltainen puoliso, josta on vaikea päästää irti. Raukan katseessa on nimittäin sellaista nostalgista hehkua, joka saa kumppanin heltymään kerta toisensa jälkeen. Etusivulle ilmestyi pahoittelu töppäilystä ja lupaus paremmasta softainfrasta. Josko tällä kertaa? Pari sanaa elokuvasta. Kolmas näkemäni Wes Anderson -elokuva ei tehnyt minusta ohjaajan fania, mutta olihan tällä toki annettavaa. Pintatasolla nuorten nerojen tiedekilpailu on hauska ja ehkä v"

"In Theatres Friday, June 23, 2023 An astronomy convention takes place at a desert town in the 1950s, where several students and their parents meet and their knowledge, experiences and lives overlap in unexpected ways. Am I excited? I am a huge Wes Anderson fan, so really excited for this. "

" 2023 Director: Wes Anderson His 11th Movie My 12th movie watched from the director One of Anderson's weaker movies (So far upon one viewing) but it is still filled with plenty of whimsy, clever writing, and interesting characters. Anderson has shown he can make a movie with lots of well-developed characters with limited screen time, that's kind of his thing, but here I feel the characters weren't quite developed as well, or I just didn't care about them as much. I'm not sure... yet. As "

"SCREENING: Q&A (Wes Anderson with Jarvis Cocker), Preview DATE: June 21st CINEMA: BFI LOCATION: Southbank"

" "I reckon that alien didn't mean no harm. No, he ain't American. No, he ain't a creature of God's Earth, but he's a creature of somewhere." Written by Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola Music by Alexandre Desplat Cinematography by Robert D. Yeoman Editing by Barney Pilling"