Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) (2021)
list by johanlefourbe

list by johanlefourbe

list by johanlefourbe

list by BAMF

list by Rylvan

Spider-Man: No Way Home Videos
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" Number Of Cinema Viewings: 4 (including the "More Fun Stuff Edition" during its re-release)"
“Spider-Man No Way Home fue probablemente el mayor evento de fin de año. Es curioso que está película incluso lograra tentar a los más escépticos ”

"Gross: $1,921,847,111 Ranking: 7"

"Domestic: $814,115,070 International: $1,107,732,041 Total: $1,921,847,111 "
“Spiderman no way home sin duda fue un boom en el 2021, la película que iba a explorar mas el tema, si fue introducido en doctor strange 2016, No voy a negar que hasta yo estaba algo intrigado por saber si aparecerían los tres Spider-Man de los cuales tanto se hablarían. Ciertamente era curioso saber que volveríamos a ver al hombre araña de Raimi después de tantos años. Si bien jamás baje mi guardia por esta película, y más teniendo en cuenta la mala racha que llevaba Marvel, si estaba esperando ver una cinta cuanto menos decente. El día llegó y por fin vi No Way Home, por la nostalgia me gusto bastante y la considere de las pocas veces en las que una obra hace bien un fan-service, pero después de encender mi cerebro, quede mas que decepcionadopero vamos digamos al menos lo bue” read more

" "I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes, struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose. Gods don't have to choose. We take." Directed by Jon Watts Written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers Music by Michael Giacchino Cinematography by Mauro Fiore Editing by Leigh Folsom Boyd and Jeffrey Ford"

" "I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes, struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose. Gods don't have to choose. We take." Directed by Jon Watts Written by Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers Music by Michael Giacchino Cinematography by Mauro Fiore Editing by Leigh Folsom Boyd and Jeffrey Ford"

" May Parker "You have a gift. You have power. And with great power, there must also come great responsibility.""

"It's kind of a live-action version of Into the Spider-Verse – and, in my opinion, far superior. :-) It's the first MCU Spider-Man movie to acknowledge the character's core philosophy, and also gives the other two live-action iterations one last hurrah. Whereas Homecoming was about Peter trying to prove himself and Far from Home had him just trying to be normal, this story sees him trying to do something decent for his friends, but facing harsh consequences for his decision. It's not perfect, b"

"Spider-Man-2 / Peter Parker-2Peter ParkerSpider-Man"