To be honest, I was really sure what to expect from this flick but since there was a decent cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, even though Christmas movies can sometimes be a total drag to watch, this one had a decent concept. Indeed, I really liked the idea of this group of friends going out every year around Christmas to have some fun together. Still, even if the idea had some potential, it could have been better developed though and the end-result felt above all rather random. For example, it was very promising when Seth Rogen’s character got all these drugs provided by his wife but, unfortunately, he turned out to be the only guy getting completely f*cked up. As a result, this character spent most of the movie completely high, which was actually pretty funny, while his buddies remained pretty much sober through the whole thing. I’m not saying that they should have been completely sh*t faced through the whole duration but I thought it wasn’t really convincing that they wouldn’t get high together. Otherwise, all the three guys had some personal issues to deal with, which was rather expected, but none of these sub-plots were really entertaining though. Still, concerning the jokes, even if it was never really hilarious, it was usually more hit than miss and the damned thing was usually quite funny. Anyway, to conclude, even though I’m usually not a huge fan of movies dealing with Christmas, this one was decent enough and I think it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.
The Night Before Reviews
An average movie

Disjointed, but has its moments

Adult Christmas movies are few and far between, as the majority of Hollywood's festive output is aimed at the younger demographic. With the controversy of 2014's The Interview now in the past, filmmaking duo Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg turn their attention to the holiday season for The Night Before, collaborating with 50/50 director Jonathan Levine for a rowdy, R-rated stoner comedy that also finds time for meaning and drama. Although amusing at times, it falls short of its potential, with the monkey business too often interrupted by half-hearted attempts at sincerity that lack genuine impact. It's certainly a far cry from the unorthodox brilliance of Bad Santa, though it's not entirely without merit.
As a young man, Ethan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) lost his parents in a tragic car accident, leaving him without a family on Christmas. However, friends Isaac (Seth Rogen) and Chris (Anthony Mackie) come to the rescue, establishing a new tradition to come together every Christmas Eve to party. But with the trio all now in their thirties and ready to get serious about family and career, they decide that this year's night of drunken debauchery will be their last. Hoping to go out on a high note, Ethan manages to steal tickets to the biggest, most exclusive party in New York City: the elusive Nutcracker Ball. But not everything is working in the trio's favour, especially with Isaac consuming far too many drugs from a gift box that was given to him by his pregnant wife Betsy (Jillian Bell), while Ethan pines for beloved ex-girlfriend Diana (Lizzy Caplan).
It's a standard set-up that suggests a simplistic string of comic set-pieces, but Levine and co-writers Goldberg, Kyle Hunter and Ariel Shaffir search for meaning in each of the three leads, creating emotional arcs amid all the drugs and booze. On top of Ethan's depression relating to the loss of his parents and the break-up with Diana, Isaac freaks out over the notion of being a parent, and Chris starts using steroids to improve his NFL performance. It's laudable that The Night Before has ambitions beyond straight-up partying, but Levine has trouble negotiating the tricky tonal changes for this dramedy, and it feels laboured as a result when it should be breezy. Worse, a number of the jokes are on the pedestrian side, with Rogen simply overacting as usual while the script mostly relies on improvisation to get laughs. Unfortunately, it's hard to recall any particularly witty quotes, and it should be a lot funnier.
However, The Night Before is not a complete travesty. Some scenes and moments do work, while cinematographer Brandon Trost (The Interview) beautifully sets the Christmas mood with proficient lighting techniques and framing, dovetailed by an array of recognisable festive songs. The movie even opens with an amusing rhyme to make the story seem more like an old-fashioned Christmas tale, energetically delivered by none other than Tracy Morgan who serves as the movie's narrator. But the ace in the hole here is Michael Shannon (Man of Steel) as a zen-like drug dealer whose special brand of weed opens up portals to the past and future. Shannon is able to effortlessly achieve laughs by being so subdued in comparison to the rest of the cast, and you're ultimately left wishing that he had a bigger role. Meanwhile, Gordon-Levitt and Mackie are appealing, Bell gets a few moments to shine, and Caplan is disarming as always.
The Night Before simply cannot figure out if it wants to be a sweet dramedy like the excellent 50/50, or a straight-up stoner comedy like This is the End or Pineapple Express. It's disjointed as a result, but it does provide some fun throughout its 100-minute runtime, especially when the action shifts to the Nutcracker Ball where some famous faces show up (including Miley Cyrus, who runs with the opportunity to play a comically unhinged version of herself). It may not become a widespread new annual Christmas-watching tradition, but The Night Before certainly shouldn't wind up being listed as one of the worst Yuletide movies in existence.

The Night Before review

1. I thought the trailer looked pretty funny.
2. I usually get a kick out of Seth Rogen and or JGL comedies.
3. To not see James Franco as a lead role here is a bit odd though.
4. Anyways I do like most of the cast here.
5. So I have now seen all of Jonathan Levine's films.
6. The best one so far has been Warm Bodies while 50/50 was the bottom.
7. He also takes on the writing here with three others.
8. This is Kyle Hunter's first writing credit he will also be writing the oddity adult animation Sausage Party another Seth Rogen film.
9. The same goes for Ariel Shaffir.
10. Evan Goldberg has only done one movie I hated (Superbad) everything else has been pretty good to awesome.
Thoughts While I Watched This:
1. Thinking of Tracy Morgan as a narrator is...different.
2. I mean somehow it still kind of works.
3. Lol really trying to rhyme the unrhymeable.
4. They aren't doing this rhyme thing in the whole movie are they?
5. I feel like Ethan is me in some ways...
6. Haha show me your elf face.
7. That's definitely coming up later.
8. Aww those kids are adorable.
9. That can't be every one in the world.
10. I was wondering when that would happen.
11. Thank God they aren't rhyming the whole time.
12. That piano scene was pretty dope.
13. Lol I don't think that was there before.
14. Michael Shannon is freaking awesome.
15. Oh haha that's gotta be awkward.
16. I wish I could karaoke like that.
17. More awkwardness lol.
18. Really dude you're one of those kinds of friends?
19. Haha man is lit lol.
20. Wow the ole I'm having a better life without you thing.
21. Oh no!
22. I would have reacted the same way.
23. That strip club scene OMG!
24. Hahah lord he is tripping hard.
25. OMG that's just wrong and absolutely hilarious at the same time.
26. I like all the different Christmas stories that this gives homage to.
27. Haha damn.
28. Yeah the way that voice sounds um...
29. Lmao I thought so.
30. Wtf okay that is hilarious.
31. Probably one of Seth Rogen's funniest characters.
32. Dude this chick is crazy!
33. Best friends will fight, but in the end if they are real then things will return to normal.
34. I guess I should have realized that sooner lol.
35. Lol oh Miley.
36. Is it really smart to take her advice?
37. James Franco will do just about anything in movies I swear lol.
38. See for a normal person that duet would have been awesome if you're a fan.
39. See now his friends were wise.
40. Oh should have expected that to happen with all the references.
41. Now see I knew that was coming.
42. "It's harder to stay friends when you're older. You just got some much of your own shit going on." Isaac
43. "Guess we'll just have to try harder." Chris
44. See now that is what I wish people would realize.
45. I've lost contact with so many friends because they never try hard enough. Even when I keep trying.
46. Oh I thought he was going to reveal something else.
47. That is just plain weird lol.
48. Haha just be quiet.
49. Hip hop song lullabies lol
50. Wait so what exactly was Mr. Green?
Thoughts After I Watched This:
1. It was a little odd, but hey Seth Rogen movies usually are.
2. I would say it was pretty funny and good though.
3. Still it's not on that level with Warm Bodies.
4. By far better than 50/50 though.
5. Lizzy Caplan reminds me of a naughtier version of Zooey Deschanel.
6. This reminded me how much I wish my friends were better.
7. Anyways it's enjoyable for what it is.