United 93
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United 93 Videos
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In memory of those who died. United 93.
A real time account of the events on United Flight 93, one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 that crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania when passengers foiled the terrorist plot.
Paul Greengrass: Director of Flight 93.
Paul Greengrass's bold dramatization of the horrific events of Septem... read more
Not really a movie
Horrifying yet courageous true story.

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" On Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists seize control of United Airlines Flight 93 and three other planes. As realization of the imminent horror dawns on passengers, crew and loved ones on the ground, the courageous acts by those held hostage in the air count down in actual time. United 93 is a 2006 docudrama thriller film written and directed by Paul Greengrass. The film largely chronicles the events aboard United Airlines Flight 93,one of the four hijacked flights during the September 11 attacks "

" 2020: 460 2019: 458 2018: 453 2017: 450 2016: 443 2015: 439 2014: 434 2013: 428 2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

" 2019: 458 2018: 453 2017: 450 2016: 443 2015: 439 2014: 434 2013: 428 2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

" 2018: 453 2017: 450 2016: 443 2015: 439 2014: 434 2013: 428 2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

" 2017: 450 2016: 443 2015: 439 2014: 434 2013: 428 2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

" 2016: 443 2015: 439 2014: 434 2013: 428 2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

" 2015: 439 2014: 434 2013: 428 2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

" 2014: 434 2013: 428 2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

" 2013: 428 2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

"2012: 423 2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

" Notes: This flick must be one of the most underrated movies I have ever seen. Indeed, Paul Greengrass is above all known for the Bourne movies he has directed (indeed, those were some solid action flicks but nothing really amazing in my opinion) and everybody seems to forget this 'small' movie he made between those them. In my opinion, it is actually a real shame since this movie happens to be a real masterpiece. First of all, I thought this it was just really heartbreaking. Indeed, to watch t"

" Notes: This flick must be one of the most underrated movies I have ever seen. Indeed, Paul Greengrass is above all known for the Bourne movies he has directed (indeed, those were some solid action flicks but nothing really amazing in my opinion) and everybody seems to forget this 'small' movie he made between those them. In my opinion, it is actually a real shame since this movie happens to be a real masterpiece. First of all, I thought this it was just really heartbreaking. Indeed, to watch t"

"2011: 417 2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

"This movie approaches an incredibly sensitive subject in an entirely appropriate manner: with subtlety and understatement. The actors looked like real people and talked like real people talk. There are no dramatic exclamations. The movie was utterly convincing in portraying how real people would have responded. There were no Bruce Willis or Wesley Snipe types amongst the passengers; they were ordinary folk in extraordinary situations, responding the best way they could. Kudos to the filmmakers f"

"2010: 408 2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "

"2009: 401 2008: 400 2007: 395 2006: 415 "