Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens) (1935)

Self - Sits on Hitler's Left, at HJ Rally, Enters Hall Behind Hess, Sits Behind Streicher

Self - Arrives by Plane with Hitler, Bright Flame Speech, at HJ Rally, Views RAD Parade, Listens to Hitler

Self - Listens to Hess, Reviews Army, Parades in SA Uniform Then Joins Hitler, Listens to Hitler, Stands and Nods Agreement

Self - Opens Congress, You Are Germany Speech, at HJ Rally, Reviews Parade, Sits on Hitler's Right, Introduces Hitler, Listens to Hitler, Hitler Is Germany Speech

Self - Walks to Flame with Hitler and Lutze, Leads SS at SA Rally, Leads SS Parade Then Joins Hitler, Sits Beside Lutze, Listens to Hitler
list by upidipi

list by SwornShadow

list by Harmonica

list by ToonHead2102

Triumph of the Will Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
A classic
UPC: 654930301593

Update feed

" Notes: Basically, it is one of those classics I knew I should watch at some point but I kept postponing it indefinitely since I was pretty sure I would have a hard time to care about the damned thing. And, indeed, If you are a real movie buff, you have to watch this movie at some point but, man, it remains a tough watch though... I mean, I have to admit it, it was pretty impressive from a technical point of view and it has a huge historical value but it is also seriously boring and quite sicke"

" Notes: Basically, it is one of those classics I knew I should watch at some point but I kept postponing it indefinitely since I was pretty sure I would have a hard time to care about the damned thing. And, indeed, If you are a real movie buff, you have to watch this movie at some point but, man, it remains a tough watch though... I mean, I have to admit it, it was pretty impressive from a technical point of view and it has a huge historical value but it is also seriously boring and quite sicke"

"Filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl’s controversial masterwork is an artful work of propaganda showcasing German chancellor and Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally. Edited from over 60 hours’ worth of raw footage shot over the course of the rally’s four days, the film is visually remarkable in the way it captures the event’s enormous scale. A staggering look back in time at the pomp and circumstance of Nazi Germany. It's an important snapshot of how it was like in Germany "

"21.5. Kaikkien kiellettyjen elokuvien ykkkönen on samallla teknisesti pahuksen hieno teos, laatupropagandaa. "

" Notes: Basically, it is one of those classics I knew I should watch at some point but I kept postponing it indefinitely since I was pretty sure I would have a hard time to care for the whole thing. And, indeed, If you are a real movie buff, you have to watch this movie at some point but, man, it remains a tough watch though... I mean, I have to admit it, it was pretty impressive from a technical point of view and it has a huge historical value but it is also seriously boring and quite sickenin"

" Notes: Basically, it is one of those classics I knew I should watch at some point but I kept postponing it indefinitely since I was pretty sure I would have a hard time to care for the whole thing. And, indeed, If you are a real movie buff, you have to watch this movie at some point but, man, it remains a tough watch though... I mean, I have to admit it, it was pretty impressive from a technical point of view and it has a huge historical value but it is also seriously boring and quite sickenin"

"16.8. Saksalaiset marssivat, ja marssivat, ja marssivat... Välillä hikiset setämiehet tulevat huutamaan ja matkalla heilataan Hitleriä melkoisen paljon. Loputon paraatirumba on oikeastaan todella puuduttavaa katsottavaa, vaikka välillä Tahdon riemuvoitto onkin elokuvateknisesti ihan pätevä. Vaikka pari päivää sitten tokaisin Menzelin leffasta, etten jaksa suuttua aikansa arvoja kuvastavasta elokuvasta, niin vaikea tällaista on katsoa ajankuvana tai todeta, että silloin maailma oli"

" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"