Theodore Rex (1995)
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz

list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Kankku
list by Ruisperkele

list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz

Theodore Rex Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
My God!
Sometime in the future, genetic engineers brought back Dinosaurs. However, they aren't the animals we know. They are more human-sized, can talk and have some sort of intelligence that I personally couldn't see!
By the looks of it, the entire civilisation was made more awkward for thes... read more

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" In an alternate futuristic society, a tough female police detective is paired with a talking dinosaur to find the killer of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals leading them to a mad scientist bent on creating a new Armageddon. Whoopi Goldberg, wanted out of the film, but due to a contract she had to continue making the film. The film bombed very heavily, and critics wanted it sent back to the ice age. The budget eventually swelled to $33 million even though Theodore Rex is just a guy in"

"Reason why the future sucks: A mad scientist (what other kind are there?), plans on killing dinosaurs and humans, by creating the next ice age. Whatever. The movie sucks, anyway. Year it takes place: Alternate dinorific near future."

" 3.4. SANHERIB - MINUN VALINTANI Wikipedia-mysteerien tämänkertainen teema oli Uus-Assyrian kuningas Sanherib, joten oma valintani muinaiskuninkaan kunniaksi oli dinosaurus nimeltä Rex, jonka runsas takapuolella asioihin vahingossa osumiseen liittyvä huumori kattaa myös lähes puolet Assyriasta. Muistelin pitäväni Theodore Rexiä yhtenä kaikkien aikojen huonoimmista elokuvista, mutta tavallaan vähän epäilin mieleni pimeimmissä sopukoissa, että tällaisessa voisi olla jotain viih"