Even though this movie was rather poorly received when it was released, since it was directed by Robert Zemeckis, I was still eager to check it out. Well, Zemeckis tried here again to adapt an acclaimed documentary into a feature film but, pretty much like with 'The Walk', the whole thing felt seriously misguided. I have to admit that I haven't seen 'Marwencol' yet but this movie definitely made me even more eager to see this weird and really intriguing documentary. Anyway, the whole thing seemed to be another excuse for Zemeckis to show his technical skills with motion-capture, a gimmick he has been trying to sell us for more than 15 years since 'The Polar Express' was released in 2004. However, the recreation of Mark Hogancamp's pictures with some motion-capture CGI was not such a bad idea though, at least, it wasn't the worst idea displayed in this movie. Indeed, the biggest issue was that they tried to turn a complex story with some really dark edges into some kind of whimsical Hollywood tale. I mean, the main reason 'Forrest Gump' did work (I'm not a huge fan though) was because it was actually a fantasy which was obviously not the case here and, yet, Zemeckis still tried to handle this story in a similar fashion. Hell, they even tried to shoehorn Mark Hogancamp into a rather pathetic romance with his new neighbour (obviously, a fictional character) as if to be turned into a trivial romantic comedy what was this amazing tale about Art, trauma and survival actually asked for. And, yet, in spite of Zemeckis completely misguided approach with this material, it remains such a fascinating story. Anyway, to conclude, I'm probably giving this movie too much credit but if, like me, you didnโt have the opportunity to watch 'Marwencol', you can still watch this flick in the meantime.ย
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An average movie