The Shaggy Dog Reviews
An average movie

Again, another very bad movie with Tim Allen... Honestly, beforehand I had some rather low expectations but it was even worse than what I thought it would be. I mean, I keep watching the movies starring Tim Allen but they are all worthless which is something quite impressive (of course, the Toy Story trilogy was awesome but even Allen with his bad karma couldn't mess up with those jewels). As a matter of fact, I'm not sure if it is really his fault, it seems rather that he just picks up the worse movies. Anyway, at least, it was a pleasure to see Robert Downey Jr though but it wasn't enough to save this disaster... I mean, the story was just terrible (is it remake? was the original version any good? Is it possible to make a good movie from such a tedious premise? Honestly, I really don't care...), the characters were not interesting whatsoever (expect of course, for the great Robert Downey Jr but he could play a living banana and still be great) and the whole thing just bored me to death. To conclude, I have seen worse movies but it is still a damned average familly feature and it is definitely not worth a look.