The Rainmaker (1997)
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The Rainmaker
A good movie
UPC: 097363350378

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" Rudy Baylor is a jobless young attorney. However, he is also the only hope of an elderly couple whose insurance company will not pay for an operation that could save their son's life. In this judicial drama, Rudy learns to hate corporate America as he falls in love with a battered young married woman. Will he be up to the task? On its opening weekend, the film ranked third behind Anastasia and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, earning $10,626,507. The film grossed $45,916,769 in the domestic box "

" First Viewing Viewing Date: August 28th Via: Netflix Plot: An underdog lawyer takes on a fraudulent insurance company. Rating: 8.2/10 Why Did I Watch It? It's about to leave Netflix and I wanted to watch it for the cast, director and positive ratings. I always enjoy a sophisticated adult film with some class."

"Movie: 8/10 Director: Francis Ford Coppola Writers: Francis Ford Coppola, Michael Herr & John Grisham (novel) Starring: Matt Damon, Danny DeVito, Claire Danes, Jon Voight, Dean Stockwell, Teresa Wright, Mary Kay Place, Johnny Whitworth, Red West, Virginia Madsen "

"17.12. Äkkiseltään ei voisi uskoa että The Rainmaker on Francis Ford Coppolan ohjaama, sillä sen verran perinteisissä 90-luvun oikeussalidraamojen tunnelmissa tässä liikutaan. Matt Damonin kertojaääni on tarpeeton ja hahmot jokseenkin stereotyyppisiä aina nuoresta oikeudenhaluisesta altavastaajajuristista lipeviin pahisjuristeihin ja miehensä pieksemään naiseen (johon päähenkilö tietty rakastuu) asti. Oikeussalikohtauksissa on kuitenkin tarvittavaa jännitettä ja näyttely on "

"Francis Ford Coppola directs this version of John Grisham's novel, with Matt Damon as a fresh-faced lawyer who takes on an insurance company who refused to pay a dying man, while at the same time falling for a woman being abused by her husband. Coppola does nothing fancy, just plays out the drama, which is gripping and the usual cliches you'd find in a Grisham/courtroom drama. A first-rate cast, head by Damon and Danny DeVito help make this hugely entertaining."