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The Passion of the Christ review

Posted : 1 year, 10 months ago on 19 May 2023 02:48

Yo fui, claramente de los detractores de este filme, pero a diferencia de los pobres argumentadores que se encuentran aún en las redes yo no me inventaba un porque. Y era debido a que sencillamente no tenia una razón especifica. Los errores históricos me parecían de poco peso para cuestionar este filme, pues comparándola con eventos mas recientes, tampoco es tan descabellada. A nivel de dirección, me parece bien lograda, las actuaciones eran solidas como lo permitían sus personajes. ¿Que mas puedo decir?, y es que aunque saque chispas y digan que nada tiene que ver, yo sencillamente no era cristiano en buena parte de mi adolescencia, y en mi niñez, tenia quizás la reacción mas inocente a esto, horror, espanto, cosa que me hacia refugiarme en filmes un poco mas épicos e idílicos sobre la pasión de nuestro Señor como la también importante "Rey de Reyes"

Incluso cuando volví a la Fe, me costo entender este filme, su significado claro y puro de lo que debía ser la pasión, sufrimiento. Y es que, sencillamente hay que entender puntos teológicos relativamente sencillos en comparación con esta compleja rama, el horror del pecado, y mas que entenderlo, sentirlo, sufrirlo, pues se puede saber que es, mas no de verdad creer el horror de sus pecados. Para gustar de esta película y a mi modo de ver, entenderla, hay que ser cristiano, e incluso por su complejidad, hay que ser ante todo, Católico, pues ni siquiera es una película que yo vea sesgada a un solipsismo bíblico mas propio del protestantismo, sino que de manera reflexiva, casi al nivel de los santos, transmite el sufrimiento de la Pasión, que es el reflejo del espanto espiritual que son nuestros pecados. Cada gota de sangre, cada llaga, cada lagrima derramada por la Madre de Dios, los clavos hundiéndose en las manos y pies, no hacen mas que recrear lo que la Pasión a de ser, no para el escepticismo positivista de los legitimistas de la historia, sino para aquel que entiende que si el pecado es horrible, los dolores del Señor lo fueron mas, esta película es la fiel recreación de lo que bien se a dicho "El murió por nosotros".

A Gibson, le importo poco la opinión, a Gibson ni le importo la critica de algunos cristianos que les disgusto esta exposición de sangre. A Mel solo le importo lo que todo Católico sabe, y como yo también lo soy, me importa poco la opinión mundana, esta película es Cristiana Catolica, en todo su sentido, es para quien cree y entiende, para quien sufre día a día sus pecados y el de sus hermanos, entiende que toda la sangre, es la derramada por nuestras culpas. Para mi no se trata de una opinión, sino una Verdad. E incluso como contesto El, a Pilatos "La Verdad"
Por eso, no podrá ser amada por ateos, al menos no como es debido, pues sino se entiende dicho horror de la prevaricación humana, no se puede comprender la grandeza de esta Obra de Arte que recrea no la Pasión que pretenden los historiadores y los escepticos, sino la que ha de ser para todo creyente, el dolor mas grande para saldar la culpa mas grande.

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The Passion of the Christ review

Posted : 8 years, 8 months ago on 11 July 2016 06:00

One of the most beautifully shot films by Mel Gibson. It kept me on the edge at the movie theaters, and was left shaking from start to finish. Beautiful music.

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An average movie

Posted : 10 years, 10 months ago on 13 May 2014 12:37

Of course, like everyone else, I heard about this flick when it was released and I was really curious to see exactly what was all the fuss about. Eventually, I thought it was an interesting experimental feature, Mel Gibson was quite courageous with this flick but, still, I can’t say I thought it was really amazing. I mean, in my opinion, at the end of the day, this movie is ¾ of the duration about a guy who is getting whipped, beaten and tortured in front of us which is not something I find really interesting or entertaining. The fact that the victim was Jesus and not some other guy doesn’t change this fact and, honestly, I had sometimes the feeling that I was watching some kind of deep religious version of a ‘Saw’ installment. You can always argue that I didn’t get this movie because I’m a die-hard atheist and therefore I wasn’t touched by the passion displayed by our beloved prophet. As a matter of fact, even though I don’t believe in God, I find religion actually fascinating but, in my opinion, what Gibson decided to show in his movie was rather reductive and, honestly, pretty repetitive. Still, it is far from being a bad movie. Indeed, the first ¼ of the movie, before the whole torture thing, was quite mesmerizing to behold and even the rest was quite intriguing, thanks to a fearless performance by Jim Caviezel and some solid directing by Mel Gibson. Anyway, to conclude, even though I wasn’t really blown away by the whole thing, it remains an interesting and unsettling flick and I think it is worth a look.

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The Passion of the Christ review

Posted : 11 years ago on 2 March 2014 06:53

One of my favorite Jesus films! Very emotional film with expressive artistic violence, breathtaking cinematography, and a beautiful soundtrack.

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The Passion of the Christ review

Posted : 14 years, 4 months ago on 29 October 2010 11:30

O drama relata, de maneira relativamente fiel às escrituras cristãs, as últimas doze horas da vida de Jesus Cristo (Yeshua), antes da crucificação.

Extraído da Wikipédia.

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The Passion of the Christ review

Posted : 14 years, 6 months ago on 20 August 2010 11:46

not being religious at all - this is very much a fresh view for me and think that it is a masterpiece. It is what it is.

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By His wounds we are healed...Love is sacrifice.

Posted : 15 years, 4 months ago on 4 November 2009 02:21

''You are My friends. There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. I cannot be with you much longer, My friends. You cannot go where I am going. My commandment to you after I am gone is this: Love one another. As I have loved you, so love one another.''

A film detailing the final hours and crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

James Caviezel: Jesus

From the enigmatic beginning to the climactic credits, Passion of the Christ demands full control of ones body, mind and emotion. So visually spectacular and physically effecting, Passion had me literally convulsing and writhing in uncomfort. Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, starring Jim Caviezel, is a retelling of the last hours of Jesus Christ in beautiful Aramaic. Believe me when I say that this production is more than a story, more than a movie, this film can only be described as an ethereal spiritual experience.

Remember the fish symbol, remember revolution, remember the people who stand for change in dark times.

This Passion of the Christ is fantastically brutal, gory and sadistically torturous. From beginning to end, blood drenched flesh is smeared across the screen in a ghastly fashion, putting even degenerate SAW or Hostel films to shame. Gibson defends his incredibly graphic depiction by noting that the bible states Jesus was beaten and tortured beyond recognition. I assure you, beaten beyond recognition hardly describes soft tissue being torn to the bone as blood drips into puddles on the ground. The violence shown in this film is unlike other Hollywood violence - it's uncomfortably personal, in effect unforgiving. The scenes are moving, the violence perhaps repetitive, that the chapters appear to take place in your very mind; imagine before you a man being torn to bloody shreds; you're powerless to intervene, you're reduced to a spectator.
Jesus the carpenter, the healer, the revolutionary of an age... The twelve disciples show friends ultimately can betray you. This doesn't stop you from loving them regardless of their actions or sins.
Everyone betrays him and even his own disciples. Anyone who has read the Gospel of Judas may also note that Jesus asks or rather commands Judas to make a great sacrifice as well: He tells him to betray him and this is also significant and emotionally charged, powerful.

''You have heard it said you shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. For if you love only those who love you, what reward is there in that?''

As any appreciator of the finer things in film might see, The Passion of the Christ is artistic genius. Mel Gibson stated that his film follows the last 12 hours of Christ in accordance to the Gospel, and although biblical scholars have confirmed this to be true, it is also true that a certain artistic license was taken to particular moments in the story. Nothing anti-biblical was added, but inside a sense deep meaning was inserted through symbols and actions not actually recorded in the gospels. This artistry serves to aid the story and engage the audience - artistically and culturally, expect nothing less that a film superbly crafted. The aramic language also gives the film and story a realistic essence that the audience can taste, hear and feel. You are witnessing a struggle.
Set your expectations high, this one can handle them.

No matter your personal background, no matter your views on race or ideology, no matter your beliefs on the afterlife or views on heaven, this Passion needs to be seen. The art, the culture, and the magnificence - see The Passion of the Christ and you will have seen a glimpse of history spanning over two thousand years ago.

''Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do.''

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Personally powerful hitting movie

Posted : 17 years ago on 8 March 2008 10:20

First off, Jesus dies!
Yeah, I had to do a Penny-Arcade reference.

Seriously The Passion is a awe inspiring experience and I do mean experience.

The movie follow Jesus Christ on the last days of his life from the night in the garden of Gethsemane to his trail, flogging, crucifixion, death, and resurrection.

Acting on everyones part is awe inspiring and is a site to behold as each person comes alive.

Music is wonderful fittings every scene perfectly and accentuates the emotions that sometimes gave me chills.

Now some parts are gory, such as the flogging scene, and can be a little uncomfortable to watch so be warned.

There are a couple technical problems that I have with the movie, both scientifically and biblically, but those didn't alter my review because the point of the movie was brought across so perfectly that those became irrelevant.

Overall the movie is a experience to see, regardless of beliefs, and will bring everyone watching to tears at least once.

Now personally I found the movie very power hitting movie for me as I am a Christian and sometimes forget what Christ went through for the sins of the world and why he went through it and if you are also a Christian I hope that this movie also hit hard and will live with you forever.

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