The King's Speech (2010) (2010)
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Quite simply one of 2010's best movies
Essentially the Rocky of speech impediment movies, The King's Speech is an engaging, well-made period piece featuring excellent performances, sublime character nuances, a touch of wit and top-notch pro... read more
It made me feel proud to be an Englishman!

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“The King’s Speech sostiene este principio de volver divertida una situación que verías en algún dramita mundano sobre una escuela o familia numerosa pasado a un contexto de grandísimas magnitudes, en este caso la asunción de la corona en Reino Unido, metiéndose con una que otra facción del asunto en la época de los 30’s y dejando una imagen si bien bastante típica en las películas de esta época, por lo menos bonita en la impresión final sin entrar en terrenos que no vienen al caso o en los que de antemano se sabe o se puede suponer que el autor seguramente sea un ignorante (ejem, Segunda Guerra Mundial).
Bertie, un duque hijo menor del rey, sufre por su tartamudez e incapacidad para comunicarse correctamente el tener que ejercer la responsabilidad de ahora ir al m” read more

"Other nominations Best Picture Best Director Best Supporting Actor Best Original Screenplay "

" 2019: 911 2018: 883 2017: 870 2016: 842 2015: 822 2014: 795 2013: 773 2012: 751 2011: 723 2010: 709 "

"2018: 883 2017: 870 2016: 842 2015: 822 2014: 795 2013: 773 2012: 751 2011: 723 2010: 709 "

"2017: 870 2016: 842 2015: 822 2014: 795 2013: 773 2012: 751 2011: 723 2010: 709 "
“I had wanted to see The King's Speech ever since it came out in cinemas, and after seeing it I was so glad I did. Was it over-hyped? Perhaps a tad, but you can say that for any of the movies that were nominated for Best Picture. Also, I had no problem whatsoever with its Best Picture win, as along with Social Network and a couple of other movies The King's Speech in my opinion was one of the stronger films of the year.
Many people on here have raved about it being well made, well acted and very moving. I agree with that sentiment wholeheartedly. I respectfully disagree with those who say it is this year's Shakespeare in Love(an unfair comparison in the first place, besides Shakespeare in Love I think gets too much hate on here) or the worst Best Picture winner since Crash(that's ” read more

"2016: 842 2015: 822 2014: 795 2013: 773 2012: 751 2011: 723 2010: 709 "

"2015: 822 2014: 795 2013: 773 2012: 751 2011: 723 2010: 709 "

"2014: 795 2013: 773 2012: 751 2011: 723 2010: 709 "

"2013: 773 2012: 751 2011: 723 2010: 709 "