Evil Dead (2013)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

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Evil Dead Videos
Added 12 years ago
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Purest horror film in years
This ain't your daddy's Evil Dead
The director was able to give a new approach to the plot of the story, I think it would be more accurate to say that it is a film that takes place in the universe of the franchise that is known ... read more

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"18.1. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Uusversion tarpeellisuuden voidaan tietty helposti kyseenalaistaa, mutta valmiina sen arvoa ei pysty. Paikoin aika häijy elokuva ontuu ainoastaan pienissä nyökkäyksissään alkuperäiselle (joita tuskin edes huomaa ellei sitä ole nähnyt yhtä monesti kuin esimerkiksi minä) sekä Kuolleiden kirjan käyttämisestä liiaksi ekspositio-välineenä vähän joka käänteessä, jolloin ei ihan katsojana tule tunne, että älykkyyteeni luotetaan. Mutta nämä tosia"

" 9 confirmed deaths and or possessions 2 male deaths 3 women 1 male Deadites 2 female Deadite 1 big bad Animal deaths: 1 dead dog and several dead cats Running time: 98 mins Number of deaths and or possessions: 9 Kills per minute: 10.11 mins Favourite deaths or possession: Olivia, whose death is just plain nasty. Coolest death or possession: The Abomination! Lamest death or possession: Eric, who just dies. Survivor: Mia, and just only Mia. And a cameo by Ash! Note: I don’t care what"

"Rated: R Why it’s rated: More blood! Profanity, and Sexual Situations"

" "Dying wouldn't be so bad right now. I just don't want to become the devil's bitch." Directed by Fede Alvarez Written by Fede Alvarez and Rodo Sayagues Music by Roque Baños Cinematography by Aaron Morton Editing by Bryan Shaw"

"Plot: A great evil is unleashed upon a group attempting to help their friend kick addiction and it will not rest until it swallows their souls. As relentless, brutal, and grueling as a remake of Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead should be, this bloody affair not only evokes the spirit of the original but also manages to insert new purpose and renewed vigor to the formula. It expertly manipulates audiences by both fulfilling expectations and throwing in some creative swerves while never letting up on t"

"2013 Runners Up: Man of Steel, Don Jon"

"Country: USA Director: Fede Alvarez Writers: Fede Alvarez (screenplay), Rodo Sayagues (screenplay) "