The Enforcer (1976)
list by Michael M

list by johanlefourbe

list by Aprakadabra

list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz

The Enforcer Videos
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As A Punk, I Feel Lucky.
However, despite being forced to side up with a Women's Lib quota filler,
Clint Eastwood still manages to carry a 70's machismo chip on his shoulder, talk thru incessantly gritted teeth, piss off his superiors & weld big handguns like they were just a natural extension of what makes Harry so dirty to begin with.
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The Enforcer is definitely not as good as the original Dirty Harry (can't compare it to the second one, haven't seen it yet). The first movie had a simple premise. Simple and yet, genius. One bad guy, One cop. But in this movie, people die and the audience is left wondering, why. Characters you've never seen before are killed and y... read more
An average movie
UPC: 085391859321

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" ITALIAN TITLE : Cielo di piombo, Ispettore Callaghan QUOTE : You fuckin' fruit ! PRODUCT PLACEMENT : M72 LAW rocket launcher PLOT : Special Ops disguised as killer Hippies (white)...helped by SF Islamic Armed Group (black)...ahahahahahahahaha WEIRD/WEIRDO : the panting scribbler/policewoman UNANSWERED QUESTION : it racism to talk seriously or to film a movie about "Zebra murders" ? "

"15.5. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Harry ei vieläkään saa kiitosta tehokkuudestaan. Paitsi, kun tehokkuutta tarvitaan. Mutta kostoksi hän saa naisparin. Kolmososa tarttuu arkisovinismiin hyvinkin tarkkaavaisesti, muttei kykene nousemaan sen yläpuolelle itse naishahmon kanssa. Naispoliisi on aina vähän myöhässä toiminnasta kipittäessään korkkareillaan ja tämä on hassua. Käänteissovinismin kuvaus on helppoa, mutta tehokosta. Sarjan jatkeena aika yhdentekevä, mutta niin vihdyttävä,"

"10.1.2019 Now Harry is teamed with a rookie female partner who constantly screws things up. This is definitely the worst Dirty Harry sequel. There's no coherent plot, the main character just sort of wanders around from one scene to another, and the female main character is completely unnecessary."