The Driller Killer (1979)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Mackenzi

list by Harmonica

list by AFIoscar
The Driller Killer (1979) Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
An average movie
UPC: 063390010042

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"28.2. Blu-ray Abel Ferraran ensimmäinen ei-porno vastaa väkivallan osalta mainettaan hetkittäin, mutta slasherin tai oikeastaan kauhelokuvankaan kanssa yleensä sillä ei juuri muuten tekemistä ole. Ferraran esittämä päähahmo on vähemmän menestyksekäs taiteilija, jota alkaa vituttamaan punk-skene niin, että vain porakone deekujen ruhossa auttaa enää selviytymään ammatillisen ja henkilökohtaisen kriiseilyn kanssa. En tiedä, onko New York sleazeä käytetty laajemmalti terminä,"

" Date: 2/3/2020 Viewed: Amazon Prime Re-Watch Note: I was in the mood to revisit this movie because I haven't seen it in the last 15+ years. This movie still holds up pretty well for the most part. I love the atmosphere that this movie has because the movie feels like a mixed between a gritty sleazy Grindhouse movie and hypnotizing artsy movie. Abel Ferrara does a great job as a struggling artist that slowly becomes a crazy madman. I also like the movie's social commentary on the punk wave th"

"The punk music was pretty cool, but some of the acting was quite bad. I was a bit bored watching this at times. "
“What the hell happened to Abel Ferrara? Back in the 90's, he was easily one of my favorite directors but it has been almost 20 years since he has released anything remotely interesting. Anyway, I was still eager to check this movie since it was his directing debut but, to be honest, it wasn't really good, I'm afraid. In fact, it was pretty much the worst movie I have seen from this director so far (I also didn't like 'Body Snatchers' but I saw it decades ago and I should check it out again at some point). Basically, it was some indie feature directed on a shoe-string budget and even though you have some other directors like David Lynch, Christopher Nolan or Kevin Smith who managed to deliver something amazing with some similar circumstances, unfortunately, Abel Ferrara gave us something te” read more