Taken 3 (2014)
list by SchwarzerAbt

list by VierasTalo

list by johanlefourbe

list by Aprakadabra

Taken 3 Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
"It Ends Here"? I hope so!
"Taken 3" (2015)
In the last review I posted on this site, I mentioned that I'd started a new blog on Blog.com. Well, I turned my back on that because the site was becoming far too unstable; most of the time, it just didn't load. (It seems fine at the moment, but I didn't want to take that chance.) So now I've started afresh on Wordpress.com. The first review I posted on that blog ... read more

Update feed

"Like Taken 2, it doesn't really suck but it felt like SSDS - Same Shit Different Sequel. "

" Liam Neeson is badass *again* in Taken 3. If you've seen the first one, you've really kind of got it covered. At the same time, I was never bored. So, you know...there ya go."

" It was actually directed by Olivier Megaton. Luc Besson wrote and produced this movie. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this movie. Anyway, Luc Besson was even lazier than usual here. Indeed, basically, the whole thing turned out to be a really weak and boring copy of 'The Fugitive'. Sure, they could have taken some worse inspiration but what made 'The Fugitive' so entertaining was the fact that the main character was just some average guy. Here, you had a heavily trained killing m"
“To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this movie. I mean, sure, I have to admit that 'Taken' was a solid action flick but I don't think it was anything really mind-blowing and it definitely didn't provide enough material to launch a franchise. Anyway, since the two previous installments turned out to be quite successful at the box-office, of course, they had to come up with another sequel but, seriously, Luc Besson was even lazier than usual here. Indeed, basically, the whole thing turned out to be a really weak and boring copy of 'The Fugitive'. Sure, they could have taken some worse inspiration but what made 'The Fugitive' so entertaining was the fact that the main character was just some average guy. Here, you had a heavily trained killing machine with a way to easy access to som” read more

"29.4. Digiboksi Ei nyt mikään tolkun elokuva, mut kova meno."