Super Mario Bros. (1993)
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Super Mario Bros. Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Review of Super Mario Bros.
La película no adapta nada de los videojuegos mas allá de una cuantas referencias que la mayoría pasan desapercibidas porque son cosas como carteles que aparecen de fondo en ... read more
UPC: 786936209389

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" Mario and Luigi, end up in a odd world, in which dinosaur human hybrids have taken over, with the evil ruler Koopa, has the town in his hands, and have to save a Princess who has been kidnapped. Can a film be too quirky? Critics certainly felt so, audiences were suitably puzzled, and fans of Mario and Luigi were like “What the?” Considered by a dud in theatres, it later became a cult movie. The weird movie, had a equally weird soundtrack featuring “Almost Unreal” by Roxette, a cover"
“There were a number of questions I asked myself as I sat watching Super Mario Bros. "What the heck is going on?" "Is that really supposed to be Toad?"”
“There were a number of questions I asked myself as I sat watching Super Mario Bros. "What the heck is going on?" "Is that really supposed to be Toad?"”

"Reason for the future sucking: Mushroom like plants have taken over Manhattan, Dinosaurs have evolved to take the place of humans, over acting by Dennis Hopper, and a plan by King Koopa to de evolve humans. Year it takes place: Alternate year in another reality, possibly 1993, give or take. "

"Porqueria y un insulto a la franquicia de Mario Bros. Tengan por seguro que la película de Illumination aun si no fuera la gran cosa, será mejor que esta porquería. Y miren, se que para gustos colores pero no entiendo como a Shigeru Miyamoto le pudo gustar esta cosa."
“The Super Mario Brothers games are still great fun. Admittedly they are light on plot, almost simplistic, but they are imaginative, lots of fun and thrilling with memorable characters and interaction.
'Super Mario Bros' did have a good deal of potential, with talented actors like Bob Hoskins, Fiona Shaw, Samantha Mathis and Dennis Hopper on board, and it was always going to be interesting to see whether the film would be able to make an interesting story that didn't have a huge amount of narrative material to work from. Unfortunately, it is a real let down, and was doomed from the start from trying to do too much and from its notoriously troubled behind-the-scenes.
Video game/interactive film adaptations have a very dubious record, always giving a sense that video/inter” read more

"As a fan of the video game, I was not happy of how it was made into a movie. Now? It’s not great, but it’s actually pretty fun. And very strange. Which makes it even more, of a reason to watch it."

" First Viewing Viewing Date: November 9th Via: Blu-ray Plot: Two Brooklyn plumbers, Mario and Luigi, must travel to another dimension to rescue a princess from the evil dictator King Koopa and stop him from taking over the world. Rating: 5.4/10"
“A esta película le tengo algo de cariño porque la vi allá por el 2011 cuando solo usaba YouTube para ver animaciones flash de Mario de Newgrounds, ”
“A esta película le tengo algo de cariño porque la vi allá por el 2011 cuando solo usaba YouTube para ver animaciones flash de Mario de Newgrounds, pero incluso desde entonces ya sabia que era bastante mala.
La película no adapta nada de los videojuegos mas allá de una cuantas referencias que la mayoría pasan desapercibidas porque son cosas como carteles que aparecen de fondo en la ciudad o son personajes que cuya relación con los juegos solo está en el nombre, como por ejemplo la señora del club llamada Big Bertha como el pez de SMB3. Esas son maneras muy flojas de hacer referencia o adaptar algún elemento.
Los jueguitos de Mario no tendrán historias complejas pero sus mundos tienen elementos bastantes creativos como para crear buenos escenarios de Fantasía.” read more

"February 11th Directed by: Rocky Morton, Annabel Jankel People have an obsession with being the one to find a hidden gem, or maybe it's less cynical than that and people just want to see the good in things. With this movie, unlike the delusional people who will try to convince you the Star Wars prequels are good, I've only seen praise for the set design and world building of this film. People are totally right to praise those things, along with the actually incredible effects, truly, impressiv"

" Directed by: Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel Produced by: Frank J. Caruso, Brad Weston, Jake Eberts, and Roland Jaffe Written by: Ed Solomon, Parker Bennett, and Terry Runte Based on charecters created by: Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka Cinematography: Dean Semler Edited by: Mark Goldblatt Music by: Alan Silvestri Distributed by: Hollywood Pictures"

"I don't really think I have to explain things with this one, the first Super Mario Bros. game was a really big deal at the time, it basically saved the videogame industry, and most of us 80's and 90's kids loved it. It still holds up pretty well too. So when the live action movie came up it was bound to caught a lot of attention, and boy did its own hype backfired. Aside from not having anything to do with its source material, the visuals were shit, the characters had no charisma, the story was "

"*SO BAD it's got a cult reputation, still thinking this one over"