The Star Wars Holiday Special
list by Ryan P.

list by BAMF

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" What does a massive Christmas train-wreck look like? This one-time-on-air special answers that question. And as horrible as it is, every year, morbid curiosity always has me slipping this into the VCR and always prevents me from looking away. And yeah, I'd still prefer viewing this merrimental monstrosity more than It's A Wonderful Life."

"First Viewing Plot: Chewbacca and Han Solo try to get to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk to celebrate Life Day, but are impeded by an Imperial blockade. Chewie's family passes the time with various forms of entertainment. The Star Wars Holiday Special is one of the most notoriously awful pop culture curiosities in history; a television special so dreadful that it was only aired once before being actively suppressed by everybody involved. This is basically a Christmas variety show, but with a"

" What does a massive Yuletide train-wreck look like? This one-time-on-air special that even George Lucas, with copious amounts of avarice, has denounced answers that question. Big time. And yet, as horrible as it is, every year on when the Christmas season arrives, I find myself still inclined to slip it into the VCR. Then, just as I resolute myself to turn it off and just throw the tape away, I always find that morbid curiosity continually prevents me from looking away. "

" What does a massive Yuletide train-wreck look like? This one-time-on-air special that even George Lucas, with copious amounts of avarice, has denounced answers that question. Big time. And yet, as horrible as it is, every year on when the Christmas season arrives, I find myself still inclined to slip it into the VCR. Then, just as I resolute myself to turn it off and just throw the tape away, I always find that morbid curiosity continually prevents me from looking away. "

"25.12. Joulupäivän aamukoomailuvalinta muistutti hyvin nopeasti, miksi siitä on niin vaikea saada mitään irti. Ideatasolla tällainen kuulostaa aina todella hauskalta, mutta kun jo viiden minuutin kohdalla alkaa olla aivan sietämättömän tylsää, niin aika tuntuu pitkältä. En rehellisesti sanottuna pysty ymmärtämään, kenelle joku bantha-pihvien kokkinurkkaus on suunnattu, mutta ainakin VHS-nauhoituksessa mukana olleet 70-luvun lopun jenkkimainokset hymyilyttivät hieman. Suosikki"