Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991)
list by JayTrotter

list by PvtCaboose91

list by Seaworth

list by Miika

list by Ruisperkele

Showdown in Little Tokyo Videos
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Fulfills its purpose...and then some!!
UPC: 085391231127

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" An American with a Japanese upbringing, Chris Kenner is a police officer assigned to the Little Tokyo section of Los Angeles. Kenner is partnered with Johnny Murata, a Japanese-American who isn't in touch with his roots. Despite their differences, both men excel at martial arts, and utilize their formidable skills when they go up against Yoshida, a vicious yakuza drug dealer with ties to Kenner's past. The film had negative reviews from critics, and itâs showdown in theatres, was received"

" "Ya know, it's kinda like one of those video games... you just defeated the first wave." Directed by Mark L. Lester Written by Stephen Glantz and Caliope Brattlestreet Music by David Michael Frank Cinematography by Mark Irwin Editing by Michael Eliot, Robert A. Ferretti, Steven Kemper and Stuart Baird"

"February 12th Directed by: Mark L. Lester This is the good stuff. I didn't expect it to be, I had very low expectations, I didn't think Lundgren would be a good lead, and also this is from 1991, one year after the cutoff date of these movies having any chance of being good, but it prevails. I feel like we don't have these kind of characters anymore, Lundgren is endlessly cool to the point that it takes me out of the movie, in a good way. When you have lines of dialogue that explain your lead h"

" Directed by: Mark L. Lester Produced by: Martin E. Caan and Mark L. Lester Written by: Caliope Brattlestreet and Stephen Glantz Cinematography: Mark Irwin Edited by: Stephen Kemper, Michael Eliot, Robert A. Firetti, and Stuart Baird Music by: David Michael Frank Distributed by: Warner Bros."

"7.12. Kun töissĂ€ on rankkaa, niin rentoutuakseen sitĂ€ kaipaa ysĂ€rin rivipahikselta nĂ€yttĂ€vÀÀ Dolph Lundgrenia, tĂ€mĂ€n penistĂ€ kuvailevaa Brandon LeetĂ€ ja ekstrahapanta Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawaa. Mark L. Lesterin 75-minuuttinen ysĂ€ritoiminnan helmi ei sisĂ€llĂ€ paljoakaan vĂ€likohtauksia, vaan lĂ€hes koko ajan ruudulla nĂ€hdÀÀn menevÀÀ Ă€ksöniĂ€ tai pÀÀhenkilöiden vĂ€listĂ€ one-liner -taistelua. Aasiaeksotiikan vuoksi rivipahiksina saadaan James Lew'n ja Al Leongin yhdistelmĂ€Ă"

"First viewing - Aug. 15th Lee family double feature I figured it only made sense to chase a film about Bruce with a film starring his son. For whatever reason Showdown in Little Tokyo was overlooked by me in my youth, which is odd because watching it now it's exactly the kind of thing I would've loved as a teenager. Watching Brandon and Dolph fight their way through Yakuza while exchanging one-liners is a treat. It's nothing great, but it's not trying to be either. It's just a big, dumb, silly "