Shaun of the Dead (2004)
list by diabolical dr voodoo
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list by Mackenzi
list by Drako Z
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Shaun of the Dead Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Cornetto Corner...
Ed: Cornetto.
A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother, and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living.
Simon Pegg: Shaun
''Who died and made you fucking king of the zombies?''<... read more
Shaun of the Dead
I was quite pleased with this movie overall---it is a rare movie these days that can grab...and complete attention f... read more
UPC: 025192582127
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" Shaun of the Dead is a 2004 British romantic zombie comedy film directed by Edgar Wright, who co-wrote it with Simon Pegg. The film stars Pegg as Shaun, a downtrodden London salesman who gets caught alongside his loved ones in a zombie apocalypse. It also stars Nick Frost, Kate Ashfield, Lucy Davis, Dylan Moran, Bill Nighy, and Penelope Wilton. It is the first instalment in Wright and Pegg's Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, followed by Hot Fuzz and The World's End, both of which also star Pe"
" 2020: 954 2019: 956 2018: 958 2017: 961 2016: 984 2015: 977 2014: 966 2013: 983 2012: 994 2011: 996 2010: 976 2009: 931 2008: 862 2007: 812 2006: 751 2005: 726 "
"17.10. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Jännä, ei löytynyt tätäkään Listalin päiväkirjoista, joten viimekerrasta on jotain kymmenen vuotta kauemman, kuin luulin. Vaikka Shaun of the Dead on pääpiirteissään hyvinkin syöpynyt mieleeni, on sen kanssa mielettömän hauskaa. Monellakin tavalla. Nörttimäiset elokuvaviittaukset riemastuttavat, koska ne, jotka mulle ovat nyt ilmeisimpiä ovat juuri sellaisia ja sellaisiin elokuviin, joilla itsekin nörtteilisin, jos olisin nuori elokuvantekijä"
" 2019: 956 2018: 958 2017: 961 2016: 984 2015: 977 2014: 966 2013: 983 2012: 994 2011: 996 2010: 976 2009: 931 2008: 862 2007: 812 2006: 751 2005: 726 "
"2018: 958 2017: 961 2016: 984 2015: 977 2014: 966 2013: 983 2012: 994 2011: 996 2010: 976 2009: 931 2008: 862 2007: 812 2006: 751 2005: 726 "
" "Take car. Go to Mum's. Kill Phil - "Sorry." - grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?" Written by Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg Music by Dan Mudford and Pete Woodhead Cinematography by David M. Dunlap Editing by Chris Dickens "
"2017: 961 2016: 984 2015: 977 2014: 966 2013: 983 2012: 994 2011: 996 2010: 976 2009: 931 2008: 862 2007: 812 2006: 751 2005: 726 "