The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (Shao Lin san shi liu fang) (1978)
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Cover art, photos and screenshots
the 36th
The film follows a highly fictionalized version of San Te, a legendary Shaolin martial arts disciple who trained under the general Chi Shan, portrayed by ... read more

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"31.1. Mubi Uusintakatselu. Muistin Àkisti, ettÀ Mubihan oli Suomessakin ilman kikkailuja saatavilla. Sen sai myös eurolla kolmeksi kuukaudeksi, joten sisÀltöön nÀhden ihan hyvÀ diili. SitÀ kannattaisi nyt kahlata. On kova sisÀltö ainakin muihin suoriksiin verrattuna, eikÀ BD:llÀkÀÀn kaikkia niistÀ eniten kiinnostavista edes ole tai niin vain löydÀ. VÀhÀn nykii sovellus vÀlillÀ, mut hinta-laatusuhde iha ok. Osa elokuvista tosin SD:nÀ, niihin ei pysty. Kahdenkymmenen vuo"
“(MU) PelĂcula de training en artes marciales, de empecinamiento en obedecer para luego rebelarse e incorporar a otros en un arte que se cultiva en el templo, lĂșdico y a la vez ritual. Gordon Liu es lo mejor que he visto en el gĂ©nero junto a Bruce Lee. AquĂ hay hermosos momentos de Liu peleando solo o contra otros pero en realidad contra sĂ mismo...” read more

"26.1. 36th Chamberissa oli muistikuviani vÀhemmÀn taistelukohtauksia. Alkuun olin jopa hieman pettynyt tÀstÀ, mutta sitten treenausjaksojen jatkuessa ja toistojen mÀÀrÀn noustessa aloin huomaamattani arvostaa elokuvan hahmoja lajinsa edustajina. TietenkÀÀn kaikki kung fu -harrastajat eivÀt laita kainalopiikkejÀ vedenhakureissulleen, mutta pariminuuttisen taistelukohtauksen edeltÀjÀnÀ nÀytetty valtava työmÀÀrÀ herÀttÀÀ kyllÀ jotain kunnioitusta. Taistelut itsessÀÀn ovat "

"Kung Fu training scenes are a direct reference, enhanced by the fact that Gordon Liu stars in both movies. Even the faded colours in this scene match that of the shaolin movie."

" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."

" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"

""If you want to fight, fight with me, one to one, man to man..." Meth vs Chef - Method Man "I want to create a new chamber... ..." - Intro - ODB"

" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."

"Recommended by: the giraffe Supported by: moviewatcher122"

"First viewing - April 16th This is the FOURTH kung fu movie I've watched so far from 1978, which tells you something about the popularity of the genre at that point. It's also the third from Shaw Brothers, and about as good as the other two. Clearly they were on a roll that year. I can't say I'm too familiar with the cast of this one aside from Gordon Liu, but they all do a very good job. The way the story is constructed keeps it interesting & helps us get deeply invested in the main character."