Seconds (1966)
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"Reason why the future sucks: The Company can offer you a new life. Are you interested? Year it takes place: Not too far off distant future."
“Indubitably the most prophetic cinematic vision of John Frankenheimer's notable period as a Hollywood director, "Seconds" is the culmination of his preoccupation with contemporary thought and political situation. Disregarded at the time of its release in 1966, the film's formidable, unflinching exploration of the murky, salacious recesses of the swinging sixties, psychedelia subculture and wish fulfilment was perhaps too vicious and scathing in its attack. Subversive and single-minded in its pessimistic view of the 1960s, "Seconds" takes aim at McCarthyism, industrial and military expansion, but most of all, technological advancement in all its uncontrollable superiority and underestimated immensity. Such explicit conspiratorial and science fiction elements take centre stage as the plot p” read more

"A beautiful x-ray of middle-aged existential crisis, Seconds is a dark science-fiction fable of a man assuming a new identity via regenerative surgery and obliteration of his old life, performed by the ominously shadowy Company. While ostensibly a thriller, albeit one pulling fewer overtly political strings than Frankenheimer’s The Train or Seven Days in May, here the suspense is muted in favor of an almost suffocating aura of despair, and the central everyman changeling is defined by his sile"

" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."

" Notes: I haven't seen this one yet..."

" Rating iMDB: My Rating: Director: Actors: Genre: The Plot:"