Saving Private Ryan update feed
“This is definitely one of the more powerful war films out there, if not the most powerful. I will admit, when I first saw it at school, I found the fi”
“This is definitely one of the more powerful war films out there, if not the most powerful. I will admit, when I first saw it at school, I found the first half-hour extremely upsetting to watch.
The acting is outstanding. Especially from Tom Hanks and Matt Damon, and the music alongside Schindler's List is John William's most haunting score I've heard.
It does drag in the middle and the dialogue doesn't always flow as well as it should, but what we have is a historically accurate, extremely well made and directed and unashamedly brutal film. I mean, in the stabbing scene, towards the end, my English teacher had to leave the room. It was like watching Frankenstein's monster tearing out Elizabeth's heart.
8.5/10 for a truly emotional and appropriately sombre war-” read more

" 2016: 11 2015: 11 2014: 10 2013: 11 2012: 11 2011: 12 2010: 14 2009: 14 2008: 15 2007: 17 2006: 18 2005: 18 2004: 16 2003: 19 2002: 21 2001: 21 2000: 22 1999: 32 1998: 52 "

" Points: 40 Chosen by: Agirl (8), oldman (1), Grenxa (9), TrekMedic (3), loucamel (7), ELA (2), Ottemg (2), jordanwiles94 (7), Rylvan (1) Previous rank: 28 (↑6) IMDB top 250 rank: 24"

" Points: 31 Chosen by: Chazz Reinhold (6), Penny (2), QUESTMAKER (3), TrekMedic (3), Agirl (1), cos4960 (4), Rylvan (3), Phil_Sump (9) Previous rank: 48 (↑20) IMDB top 250 rank: 26"

"29.11. HBO Uusintakatselu. Shaving Ryan's Privates oli juurikin niin turhauttava, kuin muistinkin. Aika ilmeinen muistutus, mikä siinä Spielbergissä on nuorena niin hiertänyt. Uusi positiivinen minä ei kuitenkaan osaa olla kovin vihainen, koska elokuvan jaksoi helposti läpi. Hyvin vaikuttaville taistelukohtauksille (rahalla saa jne.) jää ikävä kaiku alun nyyhkypakotuksesta ja jäävät hienoudestaan huolimatta näin lopulta tukahdutetuiksi ja ovat vain väärässä elokuvassa. Juoni "

" Notes: Even though it is supposedly a huge classic, I just don't agree. As a matter of fact, in my opinion, it is actually the most overrated movie directed by Steven Spielberg. To makes things clear, of course, the movie is not awful, absolutely not. In fact, the opening is one of the best introductions I have ever seen. This is what war is about, just a big slaughter party. But then, it was just the beginning and the rest of the movie had nothing to do with this great intro. It is a little b"

" Notes: Even though it is supposedly a huge classic, I just don't agree. As a matter of fact, in my opinion, it is actually the most overrated movie directed by Steven Spielberg. To makes things clear, of course, the movie is not awful, absolutely not. In fact, the opening is one of the best introductions I have ever seen. This is what war is about, just a big slaughter party. But then, it was just the beginning and the rest of the movie had nothing to do with this great intro. It is a little b"

" No Change 2015: 11 2014: 10 2013: 11 2012: 11 2011: 12 2010: 14 2009: 14 2008: 15 2007: 17 2006: 18 2005: 18 2004: 16 2003: 19 2002: 21 2001: 21 2000: 22 1999: 32 1998: 52 "

"Set during D-Day, "Saving Private Ryan" involves an order given to Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) to search for Private James Ryan (Matt Damon) and inform the death of his three other brothers. He, along with Technical Sergeant Horvath (Tom Sizemore), Privates First Class Richard Reiben (Edward Burns) and Adrian Caparzo (Vin Diesel), Privates Stanley Mellish (Adam Goldberg) and Daniel Jackson (Barry Pepper), T/4 medic Irwin Wade (Giovanni Ribisi) and T/5 interpreter Timothy Upham (Jeremy Davies"

" 2014: 10 2013: 11 2012: 11 2011: 12 2010: 14 2009: 14 2008: 15 2007: 17 2006: 18 2005: 18 2004: 16 2003: 19 2002: 21 2001: 21 2000: 22 1999: 32 1998: 52 "

" 2014: 10 2013: 11 2012: 11 2011: 12 2010: 14 2009: 14 2008: 15 2007: 17 2006: 18 2005: 18 2004: 16 2003: 19 2002: 21 2001: 21 2000: 22 1999: 32 1998: 52 "