Salem's Lot (1979)
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Salem's Lot (1979) Videos
UPC: 085391271727

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"Jerusalem’s Lot, Maine Jerusalem's Lot (or Salem's Lot or simply the Lot) is a town in Cumberland County, Maine that has served as a nexus for paranormal, supernatural and metaphysical events. Why you wouldn’t want to visit: It’s a small town, in weird and strange things happen. And vampires."

" When "they" first started adapting the works of horror-meister Stephen King onto the big screen, it was a venture that was continually going up and down. And from what I recall, it tended to go down much more often than it went up. One of the main reasons for this was because, since Mr. King's novels were often so extensive, chock full of detailed multiple events happening at once, simplifying the stories down in order to fit within the confines a movie's short running time was a very trick"

"Vampires are everywhere! Even in small towns."