Saint Maud update feed

"3.4 Iso-Britannia Modernia kauhua katsoessani tulee olo kuin olisin Mötley Crueta fanittava Rumba-toimittaja arvioimassa Lauri Ainalaa. En vain hokaa. Genre ei ole minun, suurin osa modernin elokuvakerronnan jipoista ei ole mieleeni. En kykene kummoiseen objektiivisuuteen. Niin tämä Saint Maud. Indiehkö brittikauhu, naisohjaaja Rose Glassin debyytti tuntui saavan ilmestyessään suitsutusta osakseen kautta linjan. Elokuvassa yläkerrasta komentoja vastaanottava, hurskaudessa askeettisesti k"

"As someone who has performed to some extent palliative care in a hospital ward I found the breaking of the nurse's psyche presented in this film as... touching, I suppose. Though I would probably not go down the path of religious fervor as a result, the breakdown of the mind is something I really feel like was always close to me in that line of work. The responsibility of care combined with the dire circumstances is something that creates a load on you, and if something was to break your back, p"

"I caught the first 45 seconds of the trailer and decided that was enough to make me want to see this. Here's hoping it lives up to that promise."