Richie Rich Reviews
Richie Rich review

1) Macaulay Culkin, personally I think he is better an actor than people give him credit for. He is one of the main reasons why I love the first two Home Alone movies so much. Here, he gives a very spirited lead performance, admittedly not as cute as he was when he was starring in underrated gems like Uncle Buck, but he shows once again what a talented actor he was.
2) Jonathan Hyde as the butler comes very close to stealing the show, a very funny and sly performance. Also Edward Hermann and Christine Ebersole give humorous performances, while John Larroquette plays the villain of the piece more than adequately.
3) The scenery is quite impressive, captured well by the breezy cinematography. The Biltmore estate was gorgeous.
4) The soundtrack was decent, nice background music especially.
5) I liked the moral the film taught; All the money in the world can't make you happy, thinking about it that is true.
1) While I liked the moral of the film, the story itself is predictable and somewhat contrived. it probably doesn't help you have seen it all before.
2) The script is quite weak in general. Don't get me wrong there were some good spots like "Oh my god I look like Michael Jackson!" but the jokes are admittedly very silly and juvenile, and the scripting does fall in the danger of becoming clichéd.
3) The pacing. Now I don't mind films that move fast. I do have more of a problem if the pacing is TOO fast, despite the feel good nature of the film, and its valiant attempt to rise above superficial material, the film feels a little too rushed, the ending particularly felt skimmed over.
4) The characters feel rather stereotypical. Maybe that is an unfair complaint as it probably couldn't be avoided, but I couldn't help thinking yeah I recognise that type of character.
Overall, definitely not a bad film, worth watching at least once, but I personally didn't find it that great. 5/10 Bethany Cox

A bad movie

Before his notorious breakdown and retirement from the movie industry, Macauley Culkin did show up in this flick. Well, you could see that the guy was growing up at the time and even if he didn't quit afterwards, it still would have been his last flick as a kid. Anyway, with no disrespect to Mr Culkin, I thought the damned thing was pretty bad. First of all, I never thought he was really amazing in the first place, even in 'Home Alone', but the whole thing was just so pedestrian and seriously boring to watch. I know, it was just a family feature but I doesn't mean it should be tedious to watch. Furthermore, at the end, they were some scenes which were rather inappropriate like for example when Culking gets shot at point blank, of course, he is not hurt but it was still rather unsettling. Anyway, for Culkin, it was yet another flop and basically the end of his movie career. The only interesting thing about this flick was the similarity between Richie Rich's life and Culkin's own life. Indeed, they were both filthy rich and famous but, at the end of the day, they were both feeling quite miserable. To conclude, I thought it was pretty lame and it is not really worth a look, even if you are a fan of Macauley Culkin.