Red Scorpion (1988)
list by JayTrotter
list by Seaworth
list by jaytoast
list by Agent Kermit D. Fonz
list by Ruisperkele
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Poorly-veiled knock-off of the Rambo movies
The real star of Red Scorpion (an '80s action-adventure movie set in the fictional African country of Mombaka) is the glistening, muscle-bound torso of actor Dolph Lundgren. Whenever the action ceases for a period of time, this element becomes the film's primary visual focus. And since the Dolphster is perpetually stone-faced and only occasionally speaks to... read more
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" Hesitating in the moment he is about to kill the rebel leader, Nikolai fails and is captured. Rather than being killed outright, he is forced to undergo a shamanic initiation ritual. The ingestion of the poison of a local scorpion, and his initiation ceremony, including scarification (a scorpion), give him a new identity and role in the world: the Red Scorpion. Allegedly financed by the South African Defence Force through the International Freedom Foundation, a right-wing political think-ta"
" Hesitating in the moment he is about to kill the rebel leader, Nikolai fails and is captured. Rather than being killed outright, he is forced to undergo a shamanic initiation ritual. The ingestion of the poison of a local scorpion, and his initiation ceremony, including scarification (a scorpion), give him a new identity and role in the world: the Red Scorpion. Allegedly financed by the South African Defence Force through the International Freedom Foundation, a right-wing political think-ta"
" "Are you out of your mind?" "No. Just out of bullets." Directed by Joseph Zito Written by Robert Abramoff, Jack Abramoff and Arne Olsen Music by Jay Chattaway Cinematography by João Fernandes Editing by Daniel Loewenthal"
" 17.4. ISOPOGON ANETHIFOLIUS - MINUN VALINTANI Wikipedia-mysteerien teemaksi saimme toista kertaa lyhyen ajan sisään australialaista kasvustoa, kun etusivulle nostettiin jonkinlainen pensas. Oma valintani löytyi kasvin englanninkielisen lisänimen perusteella. Narrow-leaf drumsticks toimi tekosyynä näyttää rumpalinakin taitonsa todistaneen Dolph Lundgrenin palliäksöniä, jossa miehen esittämä neuvostoliittolainen tappokone oppii elämästä hengailemalla sanien (bushmen) kanssa. Af"
" Date: 8/2/2020 Viewed: Blu-Ray Re-watch Note: I have been in the mood to revisit this movie and I bought the Blu-Ray from Synapse Films a while ago on Amazon. I probably have not seen this movie since I was a kid on VHS back in 1996. After watching it again for the first time in almost 25 years, this movie still rocks. To me, this is probably Dolph Lundgren's best action movie in my opinion. The movie has plenty of over the top action sequences and Dolph Lundgren plays a badass macho action"
" Directed by: Joesph Zito Produced by: Barney Cohen, Jack Abramoff, Robert Abramoff, and Paul Erickson Written by: Arne Olson, Jack Abramoff, Robert Abramoff, and Joseph Zito Cinematography: Joao Fernandes Edited by: David Loewenthal Music by: Jay Chattaway Distributed by: Shapiro-Glickenhaus Entertainment"