Ratatouille update feed

"Uma boa mensagem, além de uma produção boa e momentos tocantes."

"Preciosisimos visuales con una dirección impecable, a pesar de ser buena tiene partes algo aburridas y el romance se siente como una excusa para generar un conflicto que realmente no era necesario."

"My Rating : 3.0=Magnificent - My Pleasure Meter : 4.0/5.0 Stars "

"Theater: El RecreoDate: 08/11/2007 12:10pmTicket: 12.000,00 Bs(Cinex) "

" RATATOUILLE Kathy. Total Score: 4 points. "
“Hi im walterwhite i gonna review ratatouille
Spoilers alert
the story I will not tell you directly
despite not being as good, as she told her story, compensated
gave something new to the table to see, this film although it was something strange to premise, but that was almost the same with kung fu panda
The Characters Most are well, the one I liked was Anton Ego as his critical character
,Remy the strange thing is that almost always the protagonist is my favorite character or the best,
linguini is like the typical failure, without reason at least, with what I saw
The animation is Pixar is fine but I'll talk it's okay
I did not find an error
I No Have more to thing so
Ratatouill” read more