Pray for Death (1985)
list by Aprakadabra

list by LBKitty

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" Pray for Death is a 1985 American martial arts action film directed by Gordon Hessler and starring Sho Kosugi, James Booth, Norman Burton, Michael Constantine, and, the lead's sons Kane and Shane Kosugi. The plot follows a retired ninja warrior, now married to an American woman, moves to Los Angeles at his wife's request in order to begin a new life for their two sons. Shortly after their arrival, he is mistakenly drawn into a protracted conflict with an L.A. crime boss and his vicious henc"

" Pray for Death is a 1985 American martial arts action film directed by Gordon Hessler and starring Sho Kosugi, James Booth, Norman Burton, Michael Constantine, and, the lead's sons Kane and Shane Kosugi. The plot follows a retired ninja warrior, now married to an American woman, moves to Los Angeles at his wife's request in order to begin a new life for their two sons. Shortly after their arrival, he is mistakenly drawn into a protracted conflict with an L.A. crime boss and his vicious henc"

"6.12. Japanista Yhdysvaltoihin muuttavan perheen elämä järkkyy, kun unelmien omakotitalo paljastuukin paikallisten rikollisten saaliinvaihtopaikaksi. Homma mutkistuu entisestään, kun vaihtoa tekemässä ollut likainen poliisi päättääkin pitää helyt itsellään. Rikolliset tietenkin luulevat, että Shô Kosugin esittämällä maahanmuuttajalla on näppinsä pelissä. Vaimon ja lapsen päältä lavapakulla ajavat pahikset eivät kuitenkaan satu tietämään, että perheenisä on myÜs"