Paths of Glory (1957)
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Paths of Glory Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
A great classic
Realistic, emotionally-draining depiction of WWI
Great Kubrick war film but not as good as FMJ...
UPC: 027616767424

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" 2020: 313 2019: 315 2018: 314 2017: 313 2016: 318 2015: 319 2014: 320 2013: 322 2012: 336 "

" "There are few things more fundamentally encouraging and stimulating than seeing someone else die." Written by Stanley Kubrick, Calder Willingham and Jim Thompson Music by Gerald Fried Cinematography by Georg Krause Editing by Eva Kroll"

" "There are few things more fundamentally encouraging and stimulating than seeing someone else die." Directed by Stanley Kubrick Written by Stanley Kubrick, Calder Willingham and Jim Thompson Music by Gerald Fried Cinematography by Georg Krause Editing by Eva Kroll"

" 2019: 315 2018: 314 2017: 313 2016: 318 2015: 319 2014: 320 2013: 322 2012: 336 "

" 2018: 314 2017: 313 2016: 318 2015: 319 2014: 320 2013: 322 2012: 336 "

" 2017: 313 2016: 318 2015: 319 2014: 320 2013: 322 2012: 336 "

"26.11. A film loosely based on French military mutiny of the late Great War. Around that time Frech army was severy exhausted and people were demanding peace, mutinies arose but they were taken down and they took bunch of the rebels and executed them as warning to the rest of them. The mutinies also ended up having to make changes to the tactics and logistics, but that isn't mentioned in the film. Wonderful film, well researched and executed realism of war, but little exaggerated in few places"
“I saw this movie for the first time on television today, after being persuaded by the reviews I read beforehand praising it. Also I like Kirk Douglas. Although I am not directly familiar with Kubrick's work, a shameful admission I know. Out of what I have seen so far I loved Dr Strangelove and despite only seeing it once while flicking through channels liked The Shining too. Anyway back on target, Paths of Glory was brilliant in my opinion!
Winston Churchill famously claimed that it was this movie that was closest to evoking the atmosphere of WW1 and the military mind. And you know what, he is right. For one thing, Paths of Glory is gorgeously filmed, with relentlessly beautiful cinematography and nice costumes and scenery. The screenplay is sometimes humorous, sometimes moving a” read more

" 2016: 318 2015: 319 2014: 320 2013: 322 2012: 336 "