Only Yesterday (おもひでぽろぽろ / Omoide Poro Poro)
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Added 9 years ago
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Only Yesterday review
Unlike many other Ghibli films, this one isn't really for kids. It deals w... read more
A story about knowing and discovering oneself
piece of work, and was I completely stunned by the amazing story this
turned out to be... It was enjoyable, interesting and rather thoughtful
ever since the beginning, simply because the characters were so simple,
realistic, well-developed and most important of all, likable. The
ending was outs... read more
Beautiful and realistic

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" It’s 1982, and Taeko is 27 years old, unmarried, and has lived her whole life in Tokyo. She decides to visit her family in the countryside, and as the train travels through the night, memories flood back of her younger years: the first immature stirrings of romance, the onset of puberty, and the frustrations of math and boys. At the station she is met by young farmer Toshio, and the encounters with him begin to reconnect her to forgotten longings. In lyrical switches between the present "

"de 4/10 para 8/10 Turning Red feito corretamente, é até difícil explicar o amor colocado nesse filme pelos diretores, são vários e vários detalhes sutis, a condução da trama é lenta e pode-se considerar monótona e até sem objetivo mas aí que está, considero que o ponto alto desse filme é a monotonia por mais incrível que pareça, only yesterday é sobre valorizar os momentos mais simples da vida, isso sim está basado."
“For me this is one of Studio Ghibli's more realistic films, and it is also one of the more beautiful ones too. Not to mention underrated, in my opinion. It isn't a favourite, but I still admire it hugely and think it is very re-watchable. The story is well structured, and has a real sense of realism about it. As said, there is no visible magic or fairytale like characters, the magic is in the story and in how it is told. It is also quite a nostalgic story too I feel. The animation is very good, and the music is lovely. The dialogue is respectable enough, and the characters are immensely likable and never fail to engage. And as usual the voice work I have no qualms with. Overall, very beautiful film. 9/10 Bethany Cox” read more
“Only Yesterday (Omohide poro poro) is quite a mature anime aimed at the josei audience (females from late teenage years to later), according to Wikipe”

"When childhood memories can be revived as if it was yesterday. This movie is about an adult and her childhood. "

"Makuuni mukavan maallinen anime kohoaa kirkkauteen kohtauksissa, joissa luomuviljelijä paasaa alastaan kommaripropagandaa muistuttavalla paatoksella."
“This was seriously my first attempt of a really "Slice of Life" anime piece of work, and was I completely stunned by the amazing story this turned o”
“Only Yesterday (Omohide poro poro) is quite a mature anime aimed at the josei audience (females from late teenage years to later), according to Wikipe”