Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) update feed

"Re-watch - May 29th The moment I found out I could see Once Upon a Time in the West on the big screen I bought my ticket. This was back in March. And as I'd suspected the film plays even better on the big screen with an audience than it did when I watched it at home, alone, several years back. There's not a single flaw in sight, and now that I've spent the years between these two viewings catching up on other Westerns I can confirm it's one of the best Westerns ever made (maybe even the best). "

" Sergio Leone A mysterious stranger with a harmonica joins forces with a desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin. Review: Whoa being a good word to describe it all by VierasTalo List: Great Films by Greg Rainmaker"

"On her way to Budd's trailer (after escaping the coffin), The Bride is walking through a sun-bathed desert out of focus, then slowly comes into focus, just like Henry Fonda character. Also, they way you first see Bill is similar to the way you first see Charles Bronson in this movie."

" Notes: To be honest, 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' remains, hands down, my favorite Western directed by Sergio Leone but this one was very good as well. Indeed, the directing, the acting, the music, everything was quite amazing. Back in those days, it was pretty shocking to see the great Henry Fonda, who always played the righteous man, portray this time a cold heartless SOB. I mean, if I recall correctly it, he even shots a kid in his very first scene. It was also pretty neat to see Charle"

"Swedish Title: Harmonica – En hämnare "Harmonica: The Avenger" "
A friend of mine once said that this movie isn’t just a movie, it’s a f**king opera. And when I rewatched this like a tenth time and on that point of view, he couldn’t be more than right.Westerns has always been close to my heart and they aren’t just one of my favorite movie genres, it’s also crucial part of my undying love for cinema. We go way back into my childhood when Tv was playing these Saturday Westerns in the 90’s and me and my father watched almost everyone of them. From Clint Eastwood to John Wayne. Sergio Leone’s westerns has always been my favorite westerns because they’re realistic, bloody, violent, dirty and meant for older audience.Once Upon A Time In The West is definitely one my top favorite westerns. It has a great revenge story w” read more