Curse of the Demon (Night of the Demon) (1957)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Mackenzi

list by Hootsaidtheowl

list by ToonHead2102

list by Hootsaidtheowl

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"Watched on: Watched on: February 6th, 2024. Not bad. I enjoyed it for the most part. Some scenes sort of dragged and for some reason, were hard to pay attention to.. having to rewind a couple of times to really understand what was going on... this was around the 2/3rds of the way thru the film. The "demon" in question is pretty cool, not a bad effect for the time period that this was released. I guess my only problem with said "demon" is that it was only shown twice throughout the whole film an"

"25.3. One of my favourite supernatural thrillers of all time. The suspense is so well handled here that the messy middle part doesn't bother me at all."

"Pirkkakopio Alistair Crowleysta on mustan magian kanssa pelleilessään saavuttanut yhteyden saatananmoiseen babylonialaiseen tuliperkeleeseen, jonka hän pystyy usuttamaan vihollistensa kimppuun pienellä paperilapulla, johon on kirjoitettu riimuja. Skeptinen, viinaanmenevä Dana Andrews saapuu ameriikoista setvimään soppaa eikä ota uskoakseen tapahtumain yliluonnolliseen ulottuvuuteen. Jacques Tournierin kauhun perusteos paaluttaa monet perkeleelliset peruskäsitteet valtavirtaelokuvan hi"

" A somewhat silly film and yet it is a lot of fun. Charming for sure, a product of its time- the skeptic wanting to embrace science at one point performs a hypnotism as evidence to debunk a cult. This sure is 1957. But it's got some nice shots, I am especially fond of the demon appearing from a distance to take its first victim near the beginning of the movie, and how the antagonist spends a decent chunk of time in clown makeup. The story is not anything new, in fact it follows the gothic horror"

"With Night of the Demon, Jacques Tourneur pits logic against the boundless mysteries of the supernatural, focusing not on the fear of the unknown and unseen, but the fear of accepting and confronting the inexplicable. After asking Dana Andrews’s comically hardheaded Dr. Holden how can one differentiate between the powers of darkness and the powers of the mind, Niall MacGinnis’s wily satanic cult leader conjures up a storm of epic proportions to prove to the pragmatic doctor that the power of"

" Despite significant changes from the M. R. James short story from which it is adapted (the story, for example, does not have a corporeal monster, and the monster in the film has been singled out as the movie's sole weakness), Night of the Demon still manages to be a cracking good ghost story, one that pays dutiful homage to its source. "