Mulholland Drive (2001) update feed

"David Lynch’s meta noir Mulholland Drive literalizes the theory of surrealism as perpetual dream state. Told as it is using a highly symbolic, ravishingly engorged language of dreams, this bloody valentine to Los Angeles naturally leaves one feeling groggy, confused, looking forward and back, hankering to pass again through its serpentine, slithery hall of mirrors until all its secrets have been unpacked. Whether Mulholland Drive anticipated the YouTube Age we live in (and which Inland Empire"

"MULHOLLAND DRIVE - CRYING The work of David Lynch is so dense with symbolism and layered storytelling that many people find his films too intimidating to even attempt. But to become frustrated with your own inability to "get" everything in a Lynch film is to miss the joy of simply experiencing them. There are undoubtedly secrets to unlock and elusive elements to discuss, that is also part of their appeal. But when sitting down to watch one of Lynch's films, it's important to push understanding "

"18.8. DVD Uusintakatselu. Oli peräti tunteellinen hetki kaivaessani tän DVD-kotelon laatikosta, kun tajusin vasta sillä hetkellä, että olin alitajuntaisesti turvautunut nimenomaisesti tämän pimeyteen teini-iän ongelmissa kerta toisensa jälkeen. Ekaa kertaa tajusin, että mulla on ollut ikävä tiettyä elokuvaa. Tulkinnat sikseen, Mulholland Drive iskeytyy nimenomaan emotionaalisella tasolla suoraan persoonaan, kuin tehden varsinaisen katsomisen toissijaiseksi. Yksi selkeä tekijä t"