Mulan Reviews
Loyalty, bravery and truth

When seeing 'Mulan', it didn't actually strike me as a live action remake and doesn't have an awful lot of Disney in sight. Other than the title and references to the score of the 1998 film embedded in this one. Instead to me it came over as more another version of the character and her story, and one more serious and less family friendly, so directly comparing the two films didn't strike me as right. While the disappointment that is expressed is understandable, as there are big flaws to be found and it definitely does not have the same amount of charm, heart and thrills as the 1998 film, to me 'Mulan' was not that bad and was not deserving of the extreme backlash before it was even released. Seeing as Yifei Liu's personal views had/have nothing to do with Disney or the film crew.
'Mulan' is not perfect. Do agree with those that say that a lot of the dialogue is pretty bad, with a tendency to sound stilted, especially in the cringe-worthy and very out of place attempts at sporadic humour with the troops, and go too heavy on emphasising the characters' values. Loyal, brave and true agreed did not need to be emphasised so much, the point was made quite quickly. There are things in the plot that sounded oddly intriguing on paper, but done too little with. Especially with the phoenix, which doesn't really add anything.
Both Xianniang and Bori Khan felt like underdeveloped characters. The former comes off better as she is suitably mysterious and alluring, but her motives are pretty confused later on (with it being not clear what side she was on), she is pretty much a come and go plot device and her final scene felt very rushed. Bori Khan has an intimidating look but is underused and his motivation is pretty much the only thing that is learnt about him. Didn't like how easily defeated he was and how clumsy the scene looked. In general the characters could have done with more depth, Mulan and Zhou are the ones that come closest, and the film could have done with more soul.
However, 'Mulan' does look great, especially striking in the truly exquisite historical visuals and the at its best majestic scenery. There is a lot of colour and atmosphere in the photography, which was clearly inspired by the likes of Zhang Yimou, and the costumes do catch the eye. The CGI didn't seem too excessive and didn't look jarringly cheap either. Harry Gregson-Williams' score is stirring and also has a sumptuous emotional core, also enjoyed hearing references to the music from the 1998 film. Niki Caro on the most part directs with confidence.
Personally really was impressed by the beautifully choreographed and dynamically photographed action. When it needed to be tense it was, when it needed to be particularly athletic it was and when it needed to excite it did. Especially the big battle and the avalanche. It was easy to feel the strength, pain and perseverance needed to get through all that training, only the final showdown came over as ridiculous. The story was not perfect but it engaged enough, intrigued with the cultural aspects and inspired thanks to Mulan still being a strong character (though she doesn't grow as much or go on a character journey as much as the animated Mulan, if to briefly compare). Although the father-daughter reunion was more emotionally powerful previously, it is still quite moving in a subtle way here.
Moreover, the acting wasn't bad at all to me. Liu is a confident lead, bringing authority and vulnerability to Mulan that was ideal for this ideal heroine. Donnie Yen and Jet Li are strong authority figures and Jason Scott Lee does inject some menace into his underdeveloped role. Tzi Ma's performance is very telling in its nuance, more than once not even saying a word. Li Gong looks wonderful in the film and is both deceptively alluring and mysterious, despite the character herself is not meaty Gong's acting is quite complex.
In conclusion, prepared myself to hate it but quite liked it while finding it very flawed. 6/10

Mulan review

Mulan review

An average movie

Even though this movie didn’t get much love when it was released (it has a rather weak 5.5 rating on IMDb), since this movie was finally available for free on Disney+, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, I thought it was a decent live-action adaptation but, to be honest, not much than that. I mean, Disney at least did their best to be respectful by avoiding any whitewashing and by toning down most of the humor displayed in the animated version (so no Mushu here). In fact, the first half was fairly identical which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing but they could have fleshed out to the supporting characters. Eventually, the only major deviation was to make Mulan revealing her true identity instead of being discovered more or less by accident. Even though I understood this choice (it did make her more honourable and stronger in general), I’m not sure if it really worked though. Indeed, the whole point of this tale was that Mulan makes a conscious decision to dishonour herself and her family so she could fight to save her kingdom and prevent her father from dying in battle. However, to double back this way, it did make her original decision rather pointless. On top of that, it seemed actually rather selfish to decide to reveal herself in the middle of a war going on with the Rourans, as if they really had the time to deal with her identity crisis and new sense of guilt. To make things worse, after this reveal, she was first banished and shamed but, then, a few minutes later, she was already leading a squad of soldiers and this switch was just jarring, probably even more than in the animated version. Finally, it always seemed to be some kind of wishful thinking to believe that Mulan would be eventually heralded and seen as a true warrior by the emperor and the rest of the Chinese empire, even after accomplishing so many incredible deeds, but and that was always the weakest point with this tale. Anyway, to conclude, even if it seemed to be another rather pointless live-action adaptation from Disney, I still think that Niki Caro did a solid job, it is still an entertaining tale so I think it is worth a look, especially if you like the genre.

Mulan review

De aspectos técnicos no tengo mucho que opinar, es lo normal no tiene nada de asombroso o terrible. En resumen es una película con una mala historia, una mala protagonista y personajes secundarios estúpidos.

Mulan review

Mulan pudo haber tenido la oportunidad de destacar del resto de remakes de los clásicos animados de Disney, pues si algo ha caracterizado esta nueva ola de adaptaciones de sus éxitos animados es que parecen bastante en historia y realización a las mismas, al punto de calcar escenas de las animadas. En cambio, esta adaptación buscar distanciarse bastante de la versión animada, cosa que se agradece, pero la ejecución de todas las escenas es terrible.
De ya digo que habrán comparaciones con la versión animada, pero no porque tales escenas no se parezcan, sino por cómo desarrollan la historia.
Empezando con la propia Mulan. Mientras que en la versión animada es una joven torpe, con problemas para adaptarse a las tradiciones de su pueblo, lo cual le provoca un conflicto interno que deberá superar a lo largo de la película, llevándose al límite física y mentalmente, para finalmente convertirse en una heroína y traer honor a su familia; mientras que en el remake se tira eso a la basura para convertirla en una Mary Sue, desde niña tiene dones especiales, es la más habilidosa, la más fuerte e inteligente, y todo el mundo le da la razón cuando le conviene. Al hacer eso se elimina el conflicto interno del personaje. De hecho, al final de la película es la misma. No hay transformación.
Si la protagonista es horrible, los demás personajes lo son peor porque no tienen una personalidad a destacar. Los camaradas del ejército apenas interactúan con Mulan como para considerarlos sus amigos. Carecen totalmente del carisma de los personajes secundarios de la versión animada. Por no mencionar que el interés amoroso de Mulan sobra bastante y queda forzado dentro de la historia. El emperador en ambas versiones aparece poco, pero mientras que en la versión animada el emperador se mantiene estoico y firme, en el live action es más impulsivo e irracional.
A diferencia de la versión animada, esta película cuenta con dos villanos, Boris Khan y la bruja Xianniang. Boris, a diferencia de Shan-Yu, tiene como motivación vengar la muerte de su padre que fue asesinado por el emperador, una motivación que hoy en día es un cliché. Y al igual que los personajes secundarios, Boris carece de carisma y de rasgos que lo hagan identificable. Shan-Yu, pese a tener una motivación también genérica, su diseño, presencia y impredecibilidad le daban un aire siniestro y amenazador que provocaba temor entre sus rivales, convirtiéndolo en un villano realmente temible.
En cambio la bruja es aún peor, pues lo único que se sabe (por diálogos expositivos) es que fue rechazada por sus poderes y desea ser aceptada... Es todo. Lo único amenazador que tiene son sus poderes, pero de resto nada se puede destacar del personaje. Pero sino fuera suficiente, resulta que tratan de redimirla con Mulan echándole el sermón de que puede ser buena y decide sacrificarse para salvar a Mulan. Es cambio totalmente brusco y forzado. Nunca había visto un deus ex machina tan ridículo desde Batman v Superman.
Las escenas de acción intentan parecerse a las que se hacen en Asia, pero no todo lo que funciona en oriente va a hacerlo en occidente. Las escenas de acción de Mulan poseen un ejecución que recuerdan más a una película de Zack Snyder. El montaje es caótico. Cosa que se nota en una escena de lucha cuando Mulan tiende una trampa a los bárbaros y no se muestra cómo llega del punto A al punto B. Y lo más risible resulta en las primeras escenas donde la bruja se transforma, siendo que mueven la cámara a otro lado u obstruyen la imagen para no mostrar las transformaciones. Una técnica barata y bastante obvia que resulta incluso insultante.
Las escenas dramáticas no son mejores, pues es de lejos donde más fallos tiene por las pésimas actuaciones de su reparto, siendo incluso una caricatura más expresiva que estos actores de carne y hueso. En cada una de las revelaciones que en la versión animada tenían una fuerte carga dramática, hay un trato pobre en el remake, porque ni la música ni los actores contribuyen a que las escenas tengan impacto.
No podría decir si es la peor adaptación live action de una película de Disney, puesto que considero que está un poco más arriba de The Beauty and the Beast, además de que no he visto The Lion King, pero no hay duda de que esta película estaría muy cerca de dicho puesto, demostrando que Estados Unidos necesita más para poder conquistar el mercado chino.