Mudbound (2017)
list by Stehako

list by PulpRoman

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A very good movie

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"Tyylikkäästi kuvattu ja näytelty aikalaisdraama. Teemoiltaan ja jopa tarinaltaan toi paljon mieleen takavuosien erinomaisen Green Bookin. Breaking Badin Mike on hersyvä raaistisena juoppona patriarkkana."

"Format: Streaming Viewing: 1st Thoughts: This has been kicking around my queue for a while and finally sat down and watched it. Excellent, excellent movie. The acting, the mood, the setting was all A+. A very intimate look at race relations during this time period. The two star-crossed war buddies were the heart and soul of the movie, with great support from the rest of the cast. Not a movie I would rush out to see again, but definitely left a mark on my mind and will stay with me for some time."

"Film irregolare, spesso potente ed evocativo, ma qua e là noioso. Togliendo trenta minuti ci avrebbe guadagnato, ma merita una visita - sebbene con la consapevolezza che c'è poco da divertirsi: nel sud degli Stati Uniti, i contadini bianchi e neri condividono la miseria negli immensi campi di cotone, ma i primi coltivano un pericoloso senso di superiorità che non può non sfociare in tragedia. Il clima intristisce le menti - solo chi se ne va per la seconda guerra mondiale riesce a trovare un"

"I may have had too high of expectations for this movie. It was rather dull and really provided nothing new to the race-relations in the US subgenre. Jason Clarke is always unlikable and feelings haven't changed after this. However, it was a good cast and solid cinematography."
“Even though most of the Netflix original films have been terribly disappointing so far, since I kept hearing some positive things about this one, I wa”
“Even though most of the Netflix original films have been terribly disappointing so far, since I kept hearing some positive things about this one, I wa”
“Even though most of the Netflix original films have been terribly disappointing so far, since I kept hearing some positive things about this one, I was quite eager to check it out. To be honest, it is actually a rather slow movie and it took me a while to understand what the makers were really getting at. Eventually, it was only from the moment that Ronsel and Jamie came back from the war that the whole thing started to really get my attention. Indeed, from that point, it became a study of a forbidden friendship involving 2 broken men and it was quite fascinating and also rather heartbreaking to behold. Basically, for the first time of his life, Ronsel had left this place and discovered the horrors of the war but also the rest of the world and, suddenly, he was treated mostly decently by s” read more

" Notes: To be honest, it is actually a rather slow movie and it took me a while to understand what the makers were really getting at. Eventually, it was only from the moment that Ronsel and Jamie came back from the war that the whole thing started to really get my attention. Indeed, from that point, it became a study of a forbidden friendship involving 2 broken men and it was quite fascinating and also rather heartbreaking to behold. Basically, for the first time of his life, Ronsel had left th"

"4 NOMS - Mary J. Blige Adapted Screenplay - Dee Rees/Virgil Williams Cinematography - Rachel Morrison Song - "Mighty River" - Raphael Saadiq/Mary J. Blige/Taura Stinson "
“It happens with almost all the cycle of anti racist comtemporary films that they depict a world so infamous and violente, that is difficult to see the understanding that is also there. And, when it tries to do so, as in here, its also violent....” read more