Men in Black update feed
"This offbeat "the aliens are everywhere!" romp is the kind of movie I wish I had made."
" When it was obvious that Will Smith was going to be the next big thing, all everyone was waiting for was to see what his first big franchise was gonna be. And of course, it turned out to be this one, Man in Black. Based off of almost unknown comic book, its premise is basically about the idea that Area 51 extends far beyond it borders. How far? How about all around the Earth. In other words, there are extraterrestrials walking among us, but we can't tell because they're all in disguise. "
" They say what you don't know can't hurt you. And in this franchise, this applies to idea of aliens as well. Extra-terrestrials have not only touched down to Earth, they are living amongst us. And have been doing so for quite some time. So, how did we get by for so long without knowing? The MIB, a secret organization that makes sure that unidentified flying objects remain unidentified and that extra-terrestrials remain "extra" (if that makes any kind of sense...). And for any of those "
"Re-Watched 04/02/2016 Rating 7.5/10 Format: Blu Ray Still holds up even after many re-watches. "
"Best Makeup! Winner: Men in Black! Nominees: Mrs. Brown Titanic"