I already saw this movie but, since it was a while back and since I had it on DVD, I thought I might as well check it out again. Well, to be honest, the first time around, I had no idea what to expect from this movie but since it did win the César of the Best French movie of the year, I had to watch it at some point. When I first heard about the concept, I have to admit that I had some serious doubts and I was afraid it could turn out to be something like ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ or ‘The Nutty Professor’. Fortunately, it was something completely different and I was actually quite impressed by what Guillaume Gallienne did with this material. Indeed, even though it was indeed actually pretty dark and gloomy, Gallienne still managed to deliver somehow a comedy which was sometimes quite hilarious. It’s like the mother who was a really tricky character. Seriously, she was described as someone really cold and terribly unlikeable but the guy still loved and admired her which was quite intriguing. In fact, it’s something that my ex-wife never really understood, it is not because some French people are complaining all the time or are even mean to the people they love that they are completely worthless, in the contrary. In fact, this woman actually reminded me of my mother (she is also French) who can be so grumpy but, unfortunately, I never felt the same fascination with her that Galienne apparently had with his mother. It was also an interesting study about the difficulty to find your own identity when you are a marginal, even in a society where homosexuals might seem to be accepted. To be honest, even if I did like it, this movie was still what you could call in French 'Le summum du nombrilisme'. Basically, it was only about Galienne's thoughts and feelings and it had absolutely nothing else to offer so the scope was seriously limited. Anyway, to conclude, even if it was maybe not a masterpiece, I really had a weak spot for the damned thing and I think it is definitely worth a look.