I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since it seemed to have a decent reputation (it is included in the ‘The Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made’ list selected by the New York Times, among other things), I thought I might as well check it out. First of all, the historical background around the making-off this movie was quite intriguing. Indeed, it was based on a book written before WWII actually started and even though the action was taking place in Germany and in the UK, it was actually made in the US while the war was raging in Europe. At the time, the US were still isolationist but most Hollywood studios were supporting the involvement of their country in the war resulting in such movies. Well, in spite of all this, to be honest, this movie didn’t really impress me though. I mean, I really enjoyed the first part which was taking place in Germany and during which this man hunt was actually quite thrilling. Unfortunately, as soon as the main character got back to England, it was much less effective though. Indeed, they basically chased the guy all the way to his home country just to have him sign some confession? It did sound rather far-fetched. To make things worse, the whole thing was completely derailed from the moment Thorndike met Jerry Stokes. I don’t blame Joan Bennett, she actually gave a solid performance but it didn’t make sense that her character would tag along for so long with Thorndike who was basically a wanted man. I mean, I understand that they wanted to give the main character some kind of love interest (nothing much happened between them after all though) but it's as if they tried to combine a thriller with a romantic comedy which wasn’t really the greatest idea. At least, I have to admit that Walter Pidgeon who was channeling some kind of combination of James Bond with George Clooney was really good here. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of its flaws, I have to admit that it was still a decent watch though and it is definitely worth a look, especially if you like the genre.
Man Hunt Reviews
An average movie

Man Hunt

Captain Alan Thorndike, a big fan of hunting, traveling to Germany in search of a new dam. After capturing all kinds of animals have in your sight to Adolf Hitler, his intention is not to kill him, but simply whether it is possible. But once there ... Now or never seem to think. Charge your weapon and when you pull the trigger ... is captured. From that moment happened to be the Thorndike hunter to prey.
If already in "The Testament of Dr. Mabuse" Fritz Lang began throwing harsh criticism against Nazism, is in "Man caught" completely when added intrigue and espionage film continuing his criticism of Hitler mingling fiction and reality with a web of homespun entertainment. At the height of World War II, Fritz Lang presents the attempted assassination of Hitler by a British man, who always pay their daring being watched and followed by the unconditional mad ruler.
With notable influences of the latest works of Hitchcock ("Special Envoy", "Sabotage"), Lang recreates a restless and rootless atmosphere in which one breathes excitement and suffering. London is altered by the entry of the Germans in Warsaw, an effect achieved by a proper black and white photography and sophisticated staging. Beyond its just passable script, Lang manages to capture the uneasy conscience of the hunter and his prey, an effect that Hitchcock achieved again in 1956 in "The Wrong Man." Regardless of its flaws (the character of Jerry is, in my view, exageradísimo, contributing to poor performance of Joan Bennett), "The man caught" is an exemplary example of the cinema of the years 30-40, but even with theatrical influences that gradually evolve into its own language. I especially liked the idea that it is not the main character as a hero (at least in the first half), but merely states Lang events objectively, leaving the viewer free opinion what happens.
The glorious black and white combined with the darkness of the misty England give us a fascinating thriller and persecution that is on par with other classics Lang. Despite its ridiculous end, I do not spoil the result is a fascinating story of spies and persecution. I do not like the scissors in the cinema but in the final epilogue, would significantly improve this excellent movie.
If already in "The Testament of Dr. Mabuse" Fritz Lang began throwing harsh criticism against Nazism, is in "Man caught" completely when added intrigue and espionage film continuing his criticism of Hitler mingling fiction and reality with a web of homespun entertainment. At the height of World War II, Fritz Lang presents the attempted assassination of Hitler by a British man, who always pay their daring being watched and followed by the unconditional mad ruler.
With notable influences of the latest works of Hitchcock ("Special Envoy", "Sabotage"), Lang recreates a restless and rootless atmosphere in which one breathes excitement and suffering. London is altered by the entry of the Germans in Warsaw, an effect achieved by a proper black and white photography and sophisticated staging. Beyond its just passable script, Lang manages to capture the uneasy conscience of the hunter and his prey, an effect that Hitchcock achieved again in 1956 in "The Wrong Man." Regardless of its flaws (the character of Jerry is, in my view, exageradísimo, contributing to poor performance of Joan Bennett), "The man caught" is an exemplary example of the cinema of the years 30-40, but even with theatrical influences that gradually evolve into its own language. I especially liked the idea that it is not the main character as a hero (at least in the first half), but merely states Lang events objectively, leaving the viewer free opinion what happens.
The glorious black and white combined with the darkness of the misty England give us a fascinating thriller and persecution that is on par with other classics Lang. Despite its ridiculous end, I do not spoil the result is a fascinating story of spies and persecution. I do not like the scissors in the cinema but in the final epilogue, would significantly improve this excellent movie.