Maleficent (2014)
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519 Views, 5 votes, 1 comments
Added 11 years ago
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Let it sleep
Disney's 1958 animated film by the name of Sleeping Beauty is one of cinema's greatest classics when it comes to animation and entertainment for children. It told a sweet and charming story, while introducing us to someone who ended up being one of the most iconic villains ever, and arguably one of Disney's greatest accom... read more
Review of Maleficent
The pace of the movie was way too fast while Auora was growing up and the story line was just wrong for this movie.
The movie looked great but it lacked substance from ... read more

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Doesn't really enchant or entertain
“As 'Sleeping Beauty' is one of my favourite films, Disney, animated or otherwise, and Maleficent is a contender for the scariest and most memorable female villain of the Disney canon, despite the mixed reviews 'Maleficent' did maintain my interest.
Finally watching it after being very behind with film-watching, 'Maleficent' does have enough to salvage it from being a complete waste but largely it is really underwhelming.
The best thing about 'Maleficent' is the performance of Angelina Jolie. Jolie looks incredible in her knockout costume and make-up (which are spot on for the character), and she is sinister and alluring while also bringing some wit to some scenes. The film also looks gorgeous, it's beautifully shot with eye-catching and richly atmospheric set and costum” read more
“Rambling, incoherent mess, that might contain minor spoilers. Disney's 1958 animated film by the name of Sleeping Beauty is one of cinema's greates”