In 1990, they made an American film of the classic book 'Lord of the Flies'. It received mixed reviews and a poor review from me! Fortunately 27 years prior to that, they made a 1963 British film which is much better told and interesting than the 1990 film.
What I hated about the remake was the heavy Americanization! This version was British like the plot is. This movie features amazing talented young actors and intelligent direction by Peter Brook.
This is a very good movie and close to being a great movie!
Lord of the Flies Reviews
Much better told and interesting than the 1990

Lord of the Flies review

A stilted, bare-bones adaptation of William Golding's terrific novel. It bypasses the book's religious and psychological allegories and ignores characterisation of key characters (most notably Ralph, Simon and Roger) in favour of presenting 'highlights' and set-pieces from the book in an effort to make the film come across as powerful when the power of Golding’s story wasn’t primarily in actions but in words, behaviour and metaphors – the “Lord Of The Flies” is barely featured and the killer quote, “I’m part of you”, is nowhere to be heard! Visually, the film is great, full marks there, but that emphasises the fact that the film is very much style over substance. Of course, a film that has its entire cast made up from child actors is always going to struggle (although the kid who plays Simon is pretty damn good), but that doesn’t excuse the complete emptiness of the film. A shame. [/bad grammar]