Lizzie Reviews
An average movie

To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since there was a decent cast involved and since it was available on Netflix, I thought I might as well check it out. First of all, the Americans have apparently always been fascinated the Lizzie Borden true crime story since there has been countless movies and miniseries made about this story. However, for some reason, it was actually the first movie about it that I have seen so far but it was probably a blessing as it allowed me to appreciate more the damned thing. However, even if I have to admit that this story was indeed intriguing, the movie itself never really grabbed me though. Above all, it seems that the directing was going for something creepy but, to be honest, it felt mostly flat. There was also the fact that, through most of the duration, they didn’t tell us anything really about any of the characters involved but instead insisted on setting an ominous mood without actually succeeding even in this area. Concerning the actors, it was apparently a passion project for Chloë Sevigny, an interesting actress who never gets to play the lead, and she gave here a really solid performance. Concerning Kristen Stewart, depending on the material she is provided, she can be pretty good but, to be honest, she always struggles with such period pieces and I’m afraid she was never convincing here. Seriously, she played her character as if she was constantly constipated. Anyway, to conclude, in spite of its flaws, it was still a decent watch and I think it is worth a look but there is no doubt that they could make something so much better with this tale.

Lizzie review

Not conclusive, too comprehensive on Lizzie's character (thats its limit and its interest), the murder is explained just in the middle but all the elements were in the beginning, the miad subplot is weak...