Life of Brian update feed

"2014: 823 2013: 823 2012: 804 2011: 778 2010: 756 2009: 720 2008: 692 2007: 656 2006: 626 2005: 614 2004: 576 2003: 562 2002: 581 "
Monty Python dando en la tecla otra vez.
“Vaya película más polémica, Life of Brian.
Es solo saber el hecho de que en su momento esta producción causó tanto revuelo y tantas protestas por parte de cristianos y judíos lo que me llamó a querer echarle un ojo para ver qué tal. Y bien, puedo decir que se ha convertido rápidamente en una de mis películas favoritas, y explicaré porqué me gustó tanto, claro.
Muy bien, primero he de decir que las actuaciones me gustaron bastante, especialmente Graham Chapman, un actor del que desconocía totalmente, y que me sorprendió el talento que poseía. Simplemente su gesticulación, formas de dramatizar en cada momento cómico y cómo de ubicado se siente su rol en cada escena es lo que me hace aplaudir y claro, lo que me sacó muchas carcajadas a lo largo de todo ” read more

"2013: 823 2012: 804 2011: 778 2010: 756 2009: 720 2008: 692 2007: 656 2006: 626 2005: 614 2004: 576 2003: 562 2002: 581 NO CHANGE"

"2012: 804 2011: 778 2010: 756 2009: 720 2008: 692 2007: 656 2006: 626 2005: 614 2004: 576 2003: 562 2002: 581 "

" Points: 16 Chosen by: JasonMccoha (8), Aisling (8) Previous rank: it wasn't selected IMDB top 250 rank: 214"

" Notes: By now, I have seen all the movies involving the Monty Python and while I was wildly enthousiast at first, I must admit it that I was a little bit disappointed. I mean, I more or less enjoyed all their movies but I didn’t find them really excellent and I came to the conclusion that their humor is not really my cup of tea. However, there is one exception and it is this flick. Indeed, contrary to the rest of their work, I really loved this comedy, for once I was able to completely conne"

" Notes: By now, I have seen all the movies involving the Monty Python and while I was wildly enthousiast at first, I must admit it that I was a little bit disappointed. I mean, I more or less enjoyed all their movies but I didn’t find them really excellent and I came to the conclusion that their humor is not really my cup of tea. However, there is one exception and it is this flick. Indeed, contrary to the rest of their work, I really loved this comedy, for once I was able to completely conne"

"2011: 778 2010: 756 2009: 720 2008: 692 2007: 656 2006: 626 2005: 614 2004: 576 2003: 562 2002: 581 "

" Date: 8/31/2019 Viewed: Netflix Re-watch Note: I hanged out with my friends on a Saturday night, and they told me that they never saw this movie before. So we decided to watch it on Netflix, and we had a great time. I always laugh hard when watching this movie because the jokes are still hilarious. There's not much that I can say about this movie because everyone else has talked about this movie to death. I highly recommend this movie if you haven't seen it yet."

"2010: 756 2009: 720 2008: 692 2007: 656 2006: 626 2005: 614 2004: 576 2003: 562 2002: 581 "

"2009: 720 2008: 692 2007: 656 2006: 626 2005: 614 2004: 576 2003: 562 2002: 581 "