Lethal Weapon 4
list by SchwarzerAbt

list by ToonHead2102

list by AFIoscar
Lethal Weapon 4 Videos
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A good movie

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" The last Lethal Weapon (for now?), Roger Murtagh and Martin Riggs, going after the Chinese Triad after a kidnapping takes place. The gang is all here, with Chris Rock added into the mix. The series went a great movie, to a sequel that was great, a decent follow up, and finally Lethal Weapon 4. Itâs also most notable, for introducing Jet Li to North American audiences. The film garnered mix reviews, while audiences thought is decent enough. Theee is always a part 5 coming soon. But didnâ"
“I am finally about to finish this series. It's awesome how many of the actors stuck around for these films as well as director Richard Donner. I have ”
“Since me and my step-son Nick had watched all the Lethal Weapon movies, of course, we had to watch this one as well, even though it doesnât really h”

" Directed by: Richard Donner Produced by: Jim Van Dyck, Richard Donner, and Lauren Shueler Donner Written by: Jonathan Lemkin, Alfred Gough, Channing Gibson, and Miles Millar Based on charecters created by: Shane Black Cinematography: Andrzej Bartkowiak Edited by: Dallas Puett, Kevin Stitt, Eric Strand, and Frank J. Urioste Music by: Michael Kamen, Eric Clapton, and David Sanborn Distributed by: Warner Bros."

"5.7. Tappava ase -saagan päätÜsosassa nähdään koko elokuvasarjan paras yksittäinen kohtaus, kun poliisit tunkeutuvat hammaslääkäriin vetämään ilokaasua. Muuten meno jatkuu samana vanhana - erittäin asiallisena - pääparin sananvaihtona, jossa vähän väliä käsketään Joe Pesciä pitämään turpansa kiinni. Pescin sammakkotilitys lopussa hämmentää äärimmäisen vahvasti."

" Directed by: Richard Donner Produced by: Jim Van Dyck, Richard Donner, and Lauren Shueler Donner Written by: Jonathan Lemkin, Alfred Gough, Channing Gibson, and Miles Millar Based on charecters created by: Shane Black Cinematography: Andrzej Bartkowiak Edited by: Dallas Puett, Kevin Stitt, Eric Strand, and Frank J. Urioste Music by: Michael Kamen, Eric Clapton, and David Sanborn Distributed by: Warner Bros."