Before the review, a brief plot summary: What if Luke had been defeated by Bib Fortuna when he visited Jabba's palace to rescue Han Solo, and used as the gold bikini love slave? This film shows that Ben "Obi Wan" Kenobi, kung fu master, would set off to rescue him, all though he must leave his lover, Lobot. Along the way, he meets flatuent green Jedi master Yoda, finds himself sneaking into Jabba's palace by tunnelling underground, and using Bantha Beans to destroy the giant slug.
Evan Mather first expirimented with using Kenner Action Figures for Internet movies with "Kung Fu Kenobi" in 1997. Since then,
Before the review, a brief plot summary: What if Luke had been defeated by Bib Fortuna when he visited Jabba's palace to rescue Han Solo, and used as the gold bikini love slave? This film shows that Ben "Obi Wan" Kenobi, kung fu master, would set off to rescue him, all though he must leave his lover, Lobot. Along the way, he meets flatuent green Jedi master Yoda, finds himself sneaking into Jabba's palace by tunnelling underground, and using Bantha Beans to destroy the giant slug.
Evan Mather first expirimented with using Kenner Action Figures for Internet movies with "Kung Fu Kenobi" in 1997. Since then, he has made full-length films like "Quentin Tarintino's Star Wars" and "Godzilla Versus Disco Lando", but decided to pay homage to his original work by making another story about Obi Wan, potrayed as a martial artist. This time, however, he made it much more insane and warped then his previous films. Fortunatley, Mather's crazy comedy actually works, with a Monty Python feel to it. You can imagine Terry Gilliam doing something like this.
Mather uses clips from the SW films for the character's voices. However, this time he cleverly pays homage to "Pulp Fiction" by using Jules' voice for Mace Windu, in the film-within-a-film "Gettin' Medevial". Lines like "I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger..." "Anger leads to hate!" provide laughs throughout, and it's just fun to watch, all though it may be confusing on first viewing. It should also be noted the soundtrack is good and really suits the scenes it's applied to: for example, "Momma Miss America" as Luke heads up to Jabba's palace, "Mission: Impossible" as Kenobi battles his way through his tunnel, "Across 10th Street" for a kung fu fighting scene, and "Heartlight" when Obi Wan and Lobot re-unite (complete with a shot of them flying across the moon!)
Absolutely bizzare but fun to watch.
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